Devil Fish (1984)

  • Year: 1984
  • Released: 14 Nov 1986
  • Country: Italy, France
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: Italian
  • MPA Rating: Not Rated
  • Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy
  • Runtime: 94 min
  • Writer: Lamberto Bava, Gianfranco Clerici, Luigi Cozzi
  • Director: Lamberto Bava
  • Cast: Michael Sopkiw, Valentine Monnier, Gianni Garko
  • Keywords: octopus, shark attack, water monster, grindhouse,
16% – Critics
16% – Audience

Devil Fish Storyline

Gruesome findings in the middle of the ocean and mysterious occurrences off the Florida Coast terrify the locals, forcing Sheriff Gordon and marine biologists, Dr Stella Dickens and Dr Bob Hogan, to investigate. More and more, as the news spreads like wildfire, the two scientists find evidence of a terrible underwater monstrosity that is devouring unsuspecting fishermen and swimmers alike, and that somehow, the West Ocean Institute has something to do with the rogue beast that roams the seabed. But, what kind of aquatic, man-eating terror stains the waters red?—Nick Riganas

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Devil Fish Movie Reviews

Movie stinko in any “oceano”….

Italians movie-makers love to rip off American movies. All of our movies, and as often as possible.

I’m not stating that as a slur against Italy as a whole, but I would like to further observe that the Italian film industry does itself great harm by allowing travesties like this to go overseas to be seen by the world at large. That’s all I’m saying.

And no more grave injury do the Italian people subject themselves to than by not sticking a harsh penalty upon those who made the world watch “Shark rosso nell’oceano” – which is, admittedly, a ripoff of the far-superior “Jaws” (as if you didn’t know).

Let’s dive into the plot (Get it? Haw-haw…): this huge monstrous swimming thing that looks like a cross between an octopus, a shark and Steven Tyler attacks many innocent Americans (ie: Italians) off the coast of Florida (ie: Italy) and the intrepid, beer-swilling Peter (Sopkiw) sails out with his anorexic, beer-swilling girlfriend and other beer-swilling people whose main purposes are to be eaten by the creature, killed by mysterious forces who want the creature left alone or just stand around and be otherwise useless (and swill beer)…or be the doctor in this film who defibrilates dying patients repeatedly (20, maybe 30 times in a row) without waiting for his paddles to recharge (must be one heck of a good battery there, doc).

Then there’s the monster…brother, if you thought the “Jaws” shark was fake, look herein and have your mind changed IMMEDIATELY.

This is a movie that was directed as an afterthought (by a Bava!), edited with an onion chopper, acted by ambulatory (beer-swilling) pieces of driftwood and written by (PRESUMABLY beer-swilling) people who should never ever ever ever be let near a typewriter, movie studio or major city in the world ever again. If this is how the people who made this film think real people act in such a situation, they’ve obviously made one too many of them zombie movies. Or swilled too much beer.

Need I say this movie is bad? It is: bad like green cottage cheese; bad like a Hawaiian shirt at a formal wedding; bad like the “Bad Theatre” skits Dan Aykroyd used to host on “Saturday Night Live”; bad like Calista Flockhart Weight Gain Tablets – get it? Good.

Mike and the SOL gang slap this beer-drunk beauty upside the head repeatedly and reveal this “horror” film as what it is: horrible. Though, with a certain European charm: it’s charming, when watched by a European – preferably a beer-swilling one.

No stars for the waterlogged, dead fish known as “Shark rosso nell’oceano”; six stars for the MST3K version. …and now, anyone for a beer?

The Italian Jaws.

Marine biologists in Florida discover that a monstrous shark-like creature has been behind some recent deaths and seek to solve the problem.

Best known as ‘Devil Fish’ in America (this film has numerous titles) this rather cheap-looking Jaws take from Italy was directed by none other than Mario Bava Jr and believe me, it’s far from his best work! Having said that, Devil Fish is mainly a movie for the schlock or trash horror lovers out there. After all our hero’s balls do pop out of his shorts in one low-angle shot!! The film is a bit on the sloppy side as far as story and direction goes. The creature FX aren’t bad at times (there’s some fairly gory scenes to be had) but over all they are uneven. A decent enough cast and music score does help to redeem the film, even if the cast is dubbed something awful.

For those looking for a good Bava Jr film check out Macabrae (1980) or A Blade in the Dark (1983), but those that enjoy trashy Euro-horror might just like this one.

** out of ****

Utterly derivative movie , made even worse by a poor dub

Sometimes it’s hard to judge how bad a film made in Italy or Spain really is, because they all seem to use the same stable of 9-10 ESL trained voice actors to supply the English voices for release in the US. And things are always lost in translation anyway -dialog, character shtick and plot elements written for the expectations of European audiences may not go too well with our American ideas of what is funny, hip, or dramatic. I imagine that the team responsible for making the translation for the sound track of this movie to English had about 3 days to do it from start to finish, and they probably each earned the equivalent of an installment payment on their used Fiat to do it. In other words, pure hackwork, tossed off in one or two takes and never reviewed or redone by someone with a real ear for the American language.

Watching “Devil Fish”, I can imagine that if you were an Italian watching this presented in your native language, you might find it a mildly amusing little piece of fluff. You’d laugh at the ‘in jokes’ and the amusing drunk, you’d gasp at the monster and the villainy of the bad guys, and you’d ogle at the attractive pair of Peter and not-quite-Daryll Hannah as they couple on the beach for no apparent reason in the middle of a search for clues about a man-eating monster who has already killed one of their friends.

But since the jarring voice acting and tin-eared dialog keep yanking we Americans out of the film experience, we can’t help but notice that the editors had serious Attention Deficit Disorder, that no one on screen can really act so much as project an Attitude, that the stated reason for the creation of the monster makes absolutely no sense, that the action sequences have all the impact of a cereal bowl full of cooked oatmeal and that the director, screenwriters and producers really hate women.

Don’t even THINK about buying or renting this movie – watch only on cable TV on Saturday afternoon with one of several beers in your fist, or with the help and protection of Mike and the Bots on MST3K.