Women’s Prison Massacre (1983)

  • Year: 1983
  • Released: N/A
  • Country: Italy, France
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085250/
  • Rotten Tomatoes: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/womens_prison_massacre
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: French, Italian, English
  • MPA Rating: Not Rated
  • Genre: Action, Crime, Drama
  • Runtime: 89 min
  • Writer: Rossella Drudi, Claudio Fragasso
  • Director: Bruno Mattei, Gilbert Roussel
  • Cast: Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Ursula Flores
  • Keywords: prison, rape, exploitation, women’s prison, sequel, sexploitation,
26% – Critics
26% – Audience

Women’s Prison Massacre Storyline

Emanuelle, a reporter, comes just a little too close to exposing a corrupt official, and is sent to prison on trumped-up charges. In the prison, the inmates are constantly humiliated and tortured by the prison staff. Overly affectionate prisoners are forced underwater, while others are obliged to look on. Emanuelle finds an enemy in the deranged Albina, who “runs the prison.” For the pleasure of the warden, Emanuelle and Albina are forced to fight each other with knives. Bad becomes worse when four men awaiting execution escape and take over the prison. Gore flows like water.—Jonathan Ruskin

Women’s Prison Massacre Photos

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Women’s Prison Massacre Movie Reviews

CAGED WOMEN strike again

This film has been identified in some secondary sources as an alternate title for the one released in US as CAGED WOMEN but they are in fact different, though not *too* different. For the greater part, WIP fans do prefer “the mixture, as before,” without innovations, though it helps if there is a plot more coherent than the average Jess Franco production.

In this outing, Laura Gemser is not Emanuelle, doing undercover journalism at a prison, but rather a hard con doing time. Lorraine de Selle is still on staff and still has that hooker underwear she modeled in CAGED WOMEN, and best of all, the haystack hair blonde and skinny teenish brunette are both doing 20-life here too. The blonde looks as if she’s eaten a little lasagna since the previous picture. Her opening scene finds her wearing nothing but *tight* kini panties, over which her tummy roll hangs enticingly. Wow! (scene is ‘way too short.)

Here, dangerous male cons are temporarily housed in the women’s lockup, but they get loose and a riot ensues — at least when they’re not having sex with horny femme cons who haven’t seen a man since the Aldo Moro administration. No shower scene in my video copy, which is always a drawback, though it does feature a weird theatrical presentation by the inmates, for the inmates. (And you thought WEEDS was an original idea!) OK of its type.

The Low Budget and Over-Acting Really Stood Out

“Emanuelle” (Laura Gemser) is a journalist who has been setup and sent to prison by “District Attorney Robinson” (Jacques Stany) because she was getting too close to exposing his corruption. Yet even in prison he considers her to be too dangerous and so he conspires with the prison warden named “Colleen” (Lorraine De Selle) to have her killed before she can be released. To do that Colleen turns to the most vicious prisoner there by the name of “Albina” (Ursula Flores). However, as luck would have it 4 extremely violent men are sent to that same prison awaiting execution and they manage to take over the prison. When they do all hell breaks loose and nobody is safe from them. Now rather than reveal any more of the story and risk ruining it for those who haven’t seen it I will just say that this movie seemed to have potential but the low budget and over-acting really stood out and greatly weakened the overall effect. Likewise, although it contained quite a bit of nudity there wasn’t much passion or eroticism to really make much of an impression either. That said other than the performance of Laura Gemser I didn’t see anything that remarkable about this film and I rate it as below average.

Unbelievable Italian women-in-prison epic

Bruno Mattei strikes again! After initiating me into his bad movie universe with HELL OF THE LIVING DEAD, Mattei once again makes me a full-fledged fan of his with BLADE VIOLENT, one of two back-to-back women-in-prison epics starring Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti and Lorraine de Selle.

BLADE VIOLENT starts with an odd montage of stage scenes with three female prisoners describing themselves. It then escalates into an all-out brawl between prisoners, establishing Emanuelle (the sexy Laura Gemser) as the heroine and Albina as the villain. The warden (Lorraine de Selle) and the guards side with Albina on every issue, as she doesn’t incite the other inmates to revolt. Emanuelle, it is revealed, was blackmailed for drug possession by a politician and she vows vengeance. Meanwhile, four convicts on their way to death row (led by Gabriele Tinti) are involved in a police chase and are put in the womens’ prison for a short period of time. They manage to take the warden and a guard hostage and demand money. And that’s the plot in a nutshell. In-between the actual plot are lesbian scenes, sex with the convicts, an arm-wrestling scene between Emanuelle and Albina, a chicken fight with switchblades, a deadly game of Russian roulette, a necrophiliac fantasy, a convict eating the neck of a guard, a SWAT team member videotaping a bloody shootout, and a female inmate putting a razorblade in her vagina so that one of the convicts slices his penis in half when he tries to rape her! AMAZING STUFF!

Laura Gemser, not known for her acting talents, displays some true acting chops here. Unusual, huh? Lorraine de Selle, who was excellent in CANNIBAL FEROX, has nothing to do here. The woman who plays Albina is amazing when she’s clenching her teeth and being bitchy (every scene). BLADE VIOLENT is one hell of a movie and is 100% entertaining! One qualm with the film: the Goblin-inspired synthesizer score gets old after a while, but provides for some great sleazy atmosphere in some scenes.

BLADE VIOLENT is on video in the US as WOMENS’ PRISON MASSACRE, not CAGED WOMEN. CAGED WOMEN (or VIOLENT IN A WOMENS’ PRISON) is a totally different Mattei film with the same cast, shot back-to-back with this one. Both are great, but this one is a bit better. Watch it if you find it, you will never forget it!