Galaxy Express 999 (1979)

  • Year: 1979
  • Released: 08 Aug 1981
  • Country: Japan
  • Adwords: 1 win
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: Japanese
  • MPA Rating: PG
  • Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure
  • Runtime: 129 min
  • Writer: Leiji Matsumoto, Kon Ichikawa, Fumio Ishimori
  • Director: Rintarô
  • Cast: Masako Nozawa, Masako Ikeda, Yôko Asagami
  • Keywords: cyborg, space travel, revenge, space, transhumanism, train,
55% – Critics
55% – Audience

Galaxy Express 999 Storyline

Tetsuro Hoshino, orphaned by the Cyborgs, lives in a slum in the shadow of their megapolis. He steals a pass for Galaxy Express 999, and is saved by a mysterious woman called Maitre, a living image of his mother who had been killed by the Cyborgs. Wearing a special pendant, he sets out for Andromeda where he can obtain eternal life and avenge his parents’ death. On his odyssey, he meets a gallery of fantastic characters that help him exterminate the evil Star of Andromeda which had been giving mechanical bodies to rich human beings.—L.H. Wong

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Galaxy Express 999 Movie Reviews

An anime classic

Galaxy Express 999 (Ginga tetsudô Three-Nine). Made in 1979. Directed by Rintaro. Based on the original work by Leiji Matsumoto.

What little I know of the history of GALAXY EXPRESS 999, it was first published as a popular manga in 1970’s and was created by Leiji Matsumoto. GE999 is set in the same Star Wars-type of space universe as Matsumoto’s other famous space manga: CAPTAIN HARLOCK. In fact space pirate Harlock and other characters from that manga (including Queen Emeraldas and Tochirô Oyama) make appearances in GE999. GE999 was a success as a manga and was soon followed by also popular anime series which included over 100 episodes. It was aired in 1978. A year later came this anime film, which isn’t a sequel to the series, but summaries the main points of the story in two hours long movie.

The story is set in unidentified Star Wars-type of future where journeying to different planets has become a possibility. People of the future can have themselves mechanical bodies in which they can live hundreds of years, maybe even forever. The protagonist, Tetsurô Hoshino, is a young boy who witnesses how a cruel Count Mecha, whose entire body is made of mechanical parts, kills Tetsurô’s mother. Tetsurô swears revenge and is convinced that he can only achieve it by having a mechanical body. To obtain it he must travel to a far-away planet with space train Galaxy Express 999. However, since Tetsurô comes from poverty, he has no money to obtain the expensive ticket. By a chance coincidence he meets a beautiful young woman, Maetel, who bears a resemblance to his dead mother. Maetel offers a ticket for Tetsurô on a condition that she accompanies him on his journey. And so the journey begins…

I first saw this film last October, about six months from now, and again yesterday. I feel that I must first tell about the thing that bothered me the most in this film: it seems very rushed. Then again what can you expect from 2 hours long movie that tries to tell the main points of over 100 episodes long series? Whatever the case, the situations change with a fast speed and Tetsurô meets other important characters in the story mostly by pure chance. I feel makers should have either left something out or include extra 30 minutes.

However, there’s no arguing that GE999 has deserved its place as an anime classic. The animation itself, very faithful to the style of Matsumoto’s manga, is detailed and beautiful to watch. Even after almost 30 years of its release the animation has not become “out of date” but puts many later anime films in shame. The music through out the film is enjoyable to listen even if somewhat “old” these day (it was the 70’s after all). I have not heard any English dub of this film so I can only comment the Japanese audio which is good. Voice actors give life to their characters, most memorable ones being Masako Nozawa (mainly known as the voice of Goku through out the entire Dragon Ball saga) as the excited and young Tetsurô, and Masako Ikeda as the calm and mysterious Maetel. The supporting characters are not left in shadows, but also have a life of their own, most memorable to me being waitress Claire.

The story itself is suitable for both those who are looking for an entertainment for couple of hours, as well as for those who try to find deeper messages. GE999 is an entertaining adventure film but can also be seen as Tetsurô’s journey from boyhood to manhood. The whole film is told from his point of view, so we are forced to feel what he feels. I think many people can relate to Tetsurô, for despite the fantasy elements, he is a very realistic character: young, hot headed, awkward and naive. We follow him as he starts to see differences between humans and machines and come to conclusion whether he wants the mechanical body or not. Maetel on the other hand stays as a mystery in the film and even in the end, when she reveals who and what she really is, it doesn’t much answer to anything. Maetel can be seen as a dream of a growing young man, always close but just out of reach.

It’s is the strange yet beautiful relationship between Tetsurô and Maetel that still awakes talking and questions, and fascinates after the decades. People have argued if their relationship is that of a two friends, of mother and son, or of two possible lovers (which wakes a lot of critique since Maetel’s age is unknown and Tetsurô hasn’t even reached his puberty yet). Without any means to sound deep, I think the best term to describe them is “soul mates”. There is no question that the two feel devotion, caring and love for each others, yet it goes beyond that of friendship, family and lovers. I think that if their relationship would be stuffed in any of those categories, it would take something out of the whole film and of the characters. The ending scene, even if you already know what is going to happen, is still very touching and memorable.

All in all, despite the rushing of plot and some corny scenes, GALAXY EXPRESS 999 holds its place as an anime classic amongst the films like Katsuhiro Otomo’s AKIRA (1988) and Mamoru Oshii’s GHOST IN THE SHELL (1995). The film is directed by Rintaro, who had previous experience of Leiji Matsumoto’s works as he had worked in CAPTAIN HARLOCK series. Later Rinatro directed a wonderful looking METROPOLIS (2001) that also questions the difference between humans and machines.

GALAXY EXPRESS 999 (1979) is a classic that should be seen at least once by every anime fan.

Childhood’s End

For people like me, growing up was a gradual process which made me take my time, having all the joys as any kid would have but being aware and learn what it meant to be an adult. Sure I’m an adult now but I still feel young inside, and that’s the same with a lot of us. This is one of my favorite anime movies and films in general.

Based on the long running Manga series/TV series, Leiji Matsumoto always knew how to create Space Operas, the unique thing about them other than the vast fascinating universes he’s created he always had human emotion attached to them.

The music is just superb, my favorite song no doubt is the ending theme song which is just wonderful. The animation I think is solid, though it may look a little dated but you have to consider this was in the 1970s so you get use to it. But I feel it successful captures a epic pulp sci-fi romanticism that’s reminiscent of “Flash Gordon” comics and TV shows like “Space 1999” and “Doctor Who” as we see the endless depth and wonders it has from the different worlds and their features and customs as well as a mix in genre; heroic space pirates and those wonderful ships they roam the galaxy in, a world that looks like something out of a western, locomotives that fly, and others you have to see to believe. It’s true there a lot of logic is thrown out the window but the charm of all pulp sci-fi it’s not concerned about logic just on creative freedom and that’s not a bad thing and something I don’t see often anymore.

And the film is pretty dark, the fact that humans can buy themselves immortality but the price is their own bodies in exchange for mechanical ones. The mechanical bodied characters look disturbingly creepy almost reminds me those creepy silver faced robot cops from George Lucas’s “THX-1138”. The creepiest and saddest moment for me and to be Tesuros’ journey to Pluto where he sees an ice cemetery filled mostly with human beings that traded their bodies all preserved in ice. Thsi part reminded me of one of Dante’s Circles of Hell as well as demonstrates the fundamental problem with immortality.

I like the characters, it has two great supporting characters that both had anime franchises of their own. Captain Harlock sort of a John Wayne/Clint Eastwood like character and Queen Emeraldas whom was one of the first femme fatales in the anime world. However two unforgettable characters are Tesuro and Matel. Both of them you feel a deep sense of pathos for, you love them but you also feel sad for what troubles them. Tesuro isn’t a stereotypical all smiles kid but actually feels like any other kid his age, however he has a troubled past from the fact his mother was killed out of sick amusement by the machine antagonist Count Mecha which is a scene that’s heart wrenching and put tears in my eyes, this is the subplot of the film. But Tesuro also has desires to make his dreams of journeying out among the stars come true but to do this he feels immortality is the only way. Matel is a living enigma throughout the whole film she’s almost has that dream like quality of a girl we had in our dreams that feels so close but so far. She is a warm yet detached presence, sweet but you see in her eyes and from what she says and doesn’t that there is a deep sadness residing in her like she knows more than Tesuo and we can imagine.

I really like the chemistry between both of them, I don’t really feel a mother and son dynamic from them but is sort of a Freudian coming of age love story for both of them. There are Freaudian overtones the fact Matel looks a little like his mom it pertains to the psychology that our significant others we love would remind us or even physically resemble a family member. Some pieces of conversation we see at time Tesuo desires to kiss her and even throughout the journey Tesuo become more mature and doesn’t even feel like a kid anymore but a man, even Matal cares for him more than just a friend (trust me it’s not so strange once you find out her secret which makes it okay).

This story has sort of a Philip K Dick like philosophical meditation on life and death and the importance of being human. We see why there is a reason why people have a limited amount of time in their lives, no one can ever truly live as an immortal because then life loses all meaning as well as make the human soul lose value; it’s always what we do with our limited amount of time that truly makes us live forever.

Galaxy Express isn’t just an anime it’s an experience. A journey from Childhood’s End, destiny and beyond.

Rating: 4 stars

One Of The Best Anime Features Ever

I saw this as a child in the late eighties and I must say, Galaxy Express is one of those films that sticks in your imagination for a long time. If you’ve never understood the appeal of anime, discovering this film may be your golden ticket to Otaku-town.

The story is as delicate and poetic as Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner. The cell animation, while somewhat traditional, possesses a vivid style that explosively portrays Leiji Matsumoto’s great talent for character design and visual storytelling.

This is one of those unique children’s films like Star Wars, The Dark Crystal and The Wizard of Oz that completely transcends ‘family entertainment’ status and stands as a classic of cinema on its own terms.

I highly recommend this film.