The Alien Dead (1980)

  • Year: 1980
  • Released: 01 Jun 1980
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: R
  • Genre: Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
  • Runtime: 74 min
  • Writer: Fred Olen Ray, Martin Nicholas
  • Director: Fred Olen Ray
  • Cast: Buster Crabbe, Ray Roberts, Linda Lewis
  • Keywords: alligator, redneck,

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720pbluray684.44 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:EFD4AA74E188C5A90018CFC15F158C7B23EEA462
1080pbluray1.24 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:2062CFA69BF6B4B9C3FEFABD4A2394E0D708CAC9

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The Alien Dead Movie Reviews

25th Anniversary!

I saw this in Sun Coast, billed as the 25th Anniversary Edition. I saw Buster Crabbe’s name and thought, “How bad can it be?”. It is hilariously bad. My buddy who is a cono…conisue…knows a lot about zombie movies laughed just when it was supposed to be “serious”. Good grade Z stuff. I sent Fred Olen Ray a thank you email. The DVD is worth it for the picture of Miss Kim in the website space in the special features. The guy that plays the idiotic deputy said in the interview(!) that he ended up with 300k. Not too shabby considering this movie only cost 12k. The chick on the cover looks kind of like Linda Blair from The Exorcist. Some nice looking babes in this, with some half decent t&a. Good for fans of low grade horror and I know you are out there.

Starting point for prolific schlockster Fred Olen Ray.

A meteor crashes in a Florida swamp and kills a pontoon boat full of pot-smoking teenagers, they return as zombies and attack a small town. Lots of silly murders follow: The first death has a zombie pushing a girl down, then she’s dead. An mean old woman and her henpecked husband get pitchforked and eaten. A scene that reminded me of ZOMBIE LAKE has a voyeur cop watching a topless blonde skinny dipper for what seems like an hour before she gets killed. Another guy is ripped apart and eaten. And so and so on, until the uninspired end.

This is Ray’s earliest feature available on video (according to the IMDB, he also made the unreleased BRAIN LEECHES back in 1977) and it pretty much sets the tone for the bulk of his later work, containing some gore, some silly comedy, some T&A and a name-value guest star from the past(in this case former FLASH GORDON star Buster Crabbe) to help sell it to a distributor. It was made around the Rock Springs/Orlando Florida area.

Score: 2 out of 10

Unfortunately this movie is not rare enough

Here’s another 80’s gem from the king of cheese director Fred Olen Ray, in which one suspects the most costly item in its production was having the artwork made for its rental box. A meteor strikes a house boat deep in the swamp killing everyone aboard, but soon thereafter they come back to “life” as poorly made-up living corpses to munch on the living, whom for the most part just stand there and let them do it.

The script, editing, acting and makeup effects are breath taking in how awful they are, yet its way too long and tedious to be unintentionally funny, life is too short to waste it watching a film like this. Only note worthy thing is that former “Flash Gordon” Buster Crabbe almost ended his career like a dying scream doing this one, fortunately it can at least be said that this wasn’t his last film.

1 out of 10, even fans of movies like “Plan 9 from Outer Space” will be appalled by this one, avoid it at all costs.