The China Syndrome (1979)


The China Syndrome Storyline

KXLA Television human interest reporter Kimberly Wells aspires to do hard hitting news stories, whereas station brass wants to keep her to her current position; they’re more concerned about the color, length and style of her hair than her investigative abilities. While doing a human interest story at the Ventana nuclear power plant, she may have stumbled onto her dream story when on-site she witnesses what she thinks is a near nuclear disaster. Her freelance cameraman and friend, Richard Adams, clandestinely films the event as it unfolds in Ventana’s control room. However, station brass quashes the story due in part to liability issues. Although disappointed, Kimberly initially follows her boss’ directives as she wants to protect her career path, whereas Richard wants to use the film to really find out what happened. Uncovering the truth hits an early snag when the regulatory commission reports that the plant faced no major issue during the incident. Both Kimberly and Richard believe the quick and favorable report was due to the fact that development of another nuclear power plant is currently going through the public consultation process. Back at the plant, Jack Godell, the supervisor on duty in the control room during the incident, believes that something indeed is wrong with the plant due to the event, when he felt a tremor on-site. His beliefs are strengthened due to some radioactive leak in the plant from an unknown source and the discovery of some falsified documents, the latter which he knows may be a threat to his life by the perpetrators. Jack, with Kimberly and Richard’s help, does whatever he can to get his story into the public consciousness to avert what he thinks is a potential nuclear meltdown at the plant. But the power company is determined to keep Jack quiet and to protect their billion dollar investment, namely Ventana.

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Chinesesubtitle The.China.Syndrome.1979.720p.BluRay.x264-.cht
Greeksubtitle The.China.Syndrome.1979.720p.BluRay.x264.

The China Syndrome Movie Reviews

Realistic thriller with a fine casting

TV news reporter Kimberly Wells and her cameraman Richard Adams visit the Ventana nuclear power plant where they discover an accident.They have it all on camera.Jack Godell is the supervisor on duty in the control room during the incident.He knows something is seriously wrong at the plant when he feels the vibration.He wants to talk but they want to keep his mouth shut.The China Syndrome (1979) is a thriller directed by James Bridges.The title of the movie is jokingly mentioned in the film that if an American nuclear melts down it will melt through the Earth until it reaches China.The casting of this movie is brilliant.Jane Fonda does a fine job as the red headed Kimberly Wells.The young Michael Douglas, who’s also producer of this film, is great as the hot tempered Richard.I especially liked Jack Lemmon who does amazing job as Jack Godell.His performance alone can raise my review up to 9 stars.He won the best actor award at the Cannes film festival.Also in this film you can find Richard Herd who plays Evan McCormack.This movie shows us something that can happen in real life.We all remember what happened in Chernobyl back in 1986.There are plenty of breathtaking scenes in the movie.One of them is where Jack is driving and he notices he’s being followed…And there’s a lot of power in the end.

The Worst Case Scenario

It was harrowingly close, but The China Syndrome received the worst kind of publicity when as it was going into theatrical release, the accident at Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant happened. I still remember the whole country’s attention was glued onto hourly bulletins coming out of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. And wouldn’t you know it, a scientist in The China Syndrome describes the worst case scenario as rendering an area as large as the state of Pennsylvania uninhabitable.

Less than a decade later in the Ukraine at Chernobyl, the Soviet Union in its last days dealt with such a crisis that didn’t get righted in the nick of time. The China Syndrome once again became a relevant movie.

The film is more about cutting corners for safety than it is about being anti-nuclear. Jack Lemmon is a man who lived with nuclear power all his life as the captain of an atomic power submarine. What angers him and sets him off to create the confrontation that climaxes the film is the stupidity and greed of the power company managers. Stupidity and greed though are commodities found every day. The problem with them is that there are places where it can be tolerated less in human society.

Lemmon shares star billing with a couple of famous Hollywood offspring, Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas. Jane is a TV News reporter who is constantly being assigned to puff feature stories and just happens to be at a nuclear power plant when an accident occurs. The cover-up by her own station and her later meeting with Lemmon set off the chain of events depicted in The China Syndrome.

Fonda’s best scene I thought however was with Peter Donat a news executive with her station. Take a look at her facial expressions as Donat fluffs off the importance of the story and patronizingly tells her that her very beauty demands she stick to puff pieces. Fonda knows she’s got something and sticks with it.

Michael Douglas plays her iconoclastic cameraman, this was a typical part for him back in the day. In his TCM tribute to his father Kirk Douglas, Michael said he opted for roles showing sensitivity. Still I could have seen a young Kirk Douglas in this part.

What to do about energy for industrial and post industrial nations, a vexing problem that will bedevil our government for a couple of generations to come. This film shows what can happen with a dependence on nuclear power. Our current problems geopolitically in the world stem in part from a dependence on fossil fuel, specifically oil. Everything we use brings consequence some unforeseen.

The real hero of the film in my opinion is Wilford Brimley, Lemmon’s colleague at the nuclear power plant. In the end Brimley really steps up to the plate.

See The China Syndrome to know what I’m talking about.

Realistic and compelling

THE CHINA SYNDROME is another example of those great ’70s-era conspiracy thrillers that still outdo most similar fare being released in cinemas today. It’s a realistic, thought-provoking and sometimes terrifying tale of mankind’s reliance on nuclear energy, and the problems that arise thanks to laziness and negligence on our parts.

Jane Fonda has never been better playing a TV reporter trying to get the scoop of her life, with a dependable Michael Douglas playing her tireless cameraman. Best of all, however, is Jack Lemmon in a straight role as a worker at a nuclear power plant who soon becomes aware that something very fishy is going on at his place of work. The cast is loaded with familiar faces, particularly at the news studio with James Karen and Peter Donat in support, and the great, underrated Wilfrid Brimley over at the plant.

THE CHINA SYNDROME quickly grips you at the outset with an outstanding set-piece, one that’s full of tension. After this things change down a gear, and then it’s a slow burn for a while. Towards the end though, they really pick up again with some chilling moments and a grand climax. It’s a bit of an emotional roller-coaster ride and what makes it so effective is that it’s easy to believe this could really happen. A great thriller, exemplary in fact.