Barbed Wire Dolls (1976)

  • Year: 1976
  • Released: N/A
  • Country: Switzerland
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: French
  • MPA Rating: Not Rated
  • Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror
  • Runtime: 90 min
  • Writer: Connie Grau, Christine Lembach, Jesús Franco
  • Director: Jesús Franco
  • Cast: Lina Romay, Paul Muller, Monica Swinn
  • Keywords: prison, island, rape, sadism, women’s prison, dominatrix,
31% – Critics
31% – Audience

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Barbed Wire Dolls Movie Reviews

A Real Sicko’s Sickfest…

This is one for the real deranged sex maniacs out there. There’s virtually no plot just one flimsy excuse or another to show helpless women being sexually tortured and degraded. There are plenty of laughs to be had if that sort of thing rocks your boat, though. One outrageous scene has Jess Franco playing in-mate Lina Romay’s father who attempts to rape her in slow motion…only trouble is they actually act (very badly) in slow motion live rather than slow down the actual film!!! incredible! Franco’s worst? Hardly, It’s actually one of his filthy sadistic best as there is no time to get bored for a change (a rarity with his movies!). Fans of that ol’ Spanish zoom lens we’ve come to know and love will not be disappointed. Wild and crazed as only Franco could do..he out viles the ILSA series with ease here.Perfectly putrid!(and I loved every moment!)

More Franco filth.

Whenever I play DVD Russian roulette by plucking a film randomly from my collection and forcing myself to watch it, I prepare myself for the worst: with so many of prolific director Jess Franco’s films clogging up my shelves, it’s extremely likely that I’ll end up popping one of his ‘masterpieces’ into the player.

Last night, the metaphorical ‘bullet in the chamber’ was Barbed Wire Dolls, a sleazy women-in-prison flick starring Franco’s fave piece of crumpet Lina Romay and a gaggle of wanton women all willing to flash some flesh on film for the pervy Spaniard.

Romay plays female prisoner Maria da Guerra, imprisoned for the murder of her incestuous father (played by Franco himself in a faux slow-motion flashback scene that defies description). Persecuted by the monocle wearing lesbian in leather hot-pants who runs the prison (Monica Swinn), and mercilessly tortured by sadistic guard Nestor (Eric Falk), Maria eventually plans an escape from the hellhole, with a little help from pretty blonde cell-mate Bertha (Martine Stedil).

This ‘plot’ serves as an excuse for Franco to depict countless scenes of laughable violence and sordid sex, including lesbian trysts, rape, and female masturbation, with the director’s wild zoom lens performing close-up gynaecological examinations whenever possible.

Whilst all this inept in-your-face sleaze is admittedly fun for a while, eventually, like so many of Franco’s efforts, monotony sets in; towards the end of the film, even Franco himself seems to tire of the tasteless torture and endless crotch shots, and in order to end the tedium, he shoehorns a surprise (and rather daft) revelation into proceedings (Maria never killed her father; it was the directoress who was responsible) and wraps things up with an extremely abrupt ending.

Like this.

Sexploitation at its sleaziest!

“Barbed Wire Dolls” has to be one of the sleaziest Women in Prison epics ever created.This is Franco’s first film for Swiss producer Erwin C.Dietrich and it offers tons of nudity and sleaze.A beautiful Maria(Lina Romay)is imprisoned in a penitentiary run by a cruel lesbian warden(Monica Swinn).She is accused of murdering her father(played by Jesus Franco himself)but the wardress actually did the deed.Once in prison,Maria is tortured by being tied nude to metal bed-frame which is hooked up to electrical current.”Barbed Wire Dolls” is as sleazy as they get.The film features incredible amount of sleaze including whippings,masturbation with a cigarette,lesbian sex scenes,rape and a close up of one of the inmate’s private parts being penetrated by a guard’s fingers.The acting is actually not bad and the film is never boring.So if you’re a fan of European exploitation give this dirty classic a look.9 out of 10.