Deranged (1974)

  • Year: 1974
  • Released: 01 Feb 1974
  • Country: Canada
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: R
  • Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
  • Runtime: 84 min
  • Writer: Alan Ormsby
  • Director: Jeff Gillen, Alan Ormsby
  • Cast: Roberts Blossom, Cosette Lee, Leslie Carlson
  • Keywords: wisconsin, necrophilia, murder, dark comedy, serial killer, reporter,

Deranged Storyline

A man living in rural Wisconsin takes care of his bed-ridden mother, who is very domineering and teaches him that all women are evil. After she dies he misses her, so a year later he digs her up and takes her home. He learns about taxidermy and begins robbing graves to get materials to patch her up, and inevitably begins looking for fresher sources of materials. Based on the true story of Ed Gein.—Ed Sutton

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Deranged Movie Reviews

A true bone-chiller.

Over the years there have been a number of films, both horror and thriller, that have been inspired by the real-life crimes of the infamous Ed Gein. Yet, this was the first film to be closely based on the real Ed Gein.

Reclusive old man loses his mind after the death of his mother and starts to rob graves. But that’s just the beginning of terrors to come.

While In the Light of the Moon (2000) may be the more accurate film for the true story of Gein, Deranged is the most effectively frightening. Deranged is an example of low-budget film making at it’s best. It sports a believably dark atmosphere and the feeling of chilling realism. In fact some sequences from this film (especially the midnight ‘dinner’ scene) are simply unforgettable.

The cast of the film is good, but the real highlight of it all is in it’s star Robert Blossoms. Blossoms brings such a genuine believability to his crazed character and at times makes him quite sympathetic! That achievement alone is impressive.

Also of note, this was one of the early films for makeup FX artist Tom Savini and his creations for the film are well-done. Adding even more to the sheer spookiness of this film is it’s musical score, which is comprised of religious songs.

While Deranged may not have the fame of other low-budgeters of it’s day, it is none the less a masterful horror picture that deserves a place in the history of low-budget horror.

*** 1/2 out of ****

One of the greatest movies depicting Ed Gein

Ok, we’ve seen “Texas Chainsaw Massacure”, “Motel Hell” and that other newer film I forgot the name but all are not as good as this one. This movie tells the true story of cannible Ed Gein known in this movie as Ezra Cobb. Ez is a sympathetic character in this movie and I really do feel sorry for him as he takes care of his ailing mother and then she passes away. Ez kidnaps her corpse and sends her home and treats her as if she were alive again. During his state of dementia he finds himself being facinated with embolming bodies, cannibalism and things that are down right gross. This one is one that must be seen for those into real life crimes of the deranged.

You can say that again! …DeR@nG€d!!

Oh yeah! This is what us genre fans like to call a REAL horror film! “Deranged” is shocking, insensitive, cold-hearted and features a ‘you-don’t-like-it-go-to-hell’-honesty you can’t possibly walk away from! This is the pretty damn factual, and therefore hugely disturbing, reconstruction of the case of Wisconsin serial killer Ed Gein. This guy was crazier and far more dangerous than any fictional horror character could ever be and therefore he was a nearly endless source of inspiration for independent filmmakers who wanted to bring a horrific tale. “Deranged” appears to be very cheap and amateurish, but it’s one of the rare films in which the low budget production values actually contribute in making the story more grim and realistic! Ed Gein really was a poor and simple-minded farmer who went absolutely berserk after the death of his beloved mother and he refused to accept her passing away by replacing her with cadavers that he kept in his house. The characters’ names have been altered, as well as the timing of the story, but Ezra Cobb’s actual crimes are frighteningly truthful and portrayed with a chilling eye for detail. The film’s biggest trump is unquestionably the casting of the rather unknown actor Roberts Blossom whose impressive and straight-faced performance will make you more than once wonder whether he isn’t a real madman! Other aspects that definitely increase the creepiness are the constant funeral music that guides the film and the colorless, depressing set pieces. “Deranged” is not a total gorefest (mainly due to the lack in budget) but the murders are nonetheless explicitly illustrated and quite bloody. Strangely enough, the film’s devastating tone is regularly undercut with brilliant flashes of morbid black humor, like Ezra’s encounter with an overweight widow who talks to her deceased husband. In short, “Deranged” is a typically 70’s cult treasure that should be watched by every horror fan on this planet.