Carry on Matron (1972)

  • Year: 1972
  • Released: 19 May 1972
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: Not Rated
  • Genre: Comedy, Crime
  • Runtime: 87 min
  • Writer: Talbot Rothwell
  • Director: Gerald Thomas
  • Cast: Sidney James, Kenneth Williams, Charles Hawtrey
  • Keywords: nurse, pregnancy, son, gang of thieves, father, hypochondriac,
64% – Critics
64% – Audience

Carry on Matron Storyline

Sid Carter (Sid James) is the cunning head of a criminal gang that includes the long-haired drip Ernie Bragg (Bernard Bresslaw), the cheeky Freddy (Bill Maynard) and Sid’s honest son, Cyril (Kenneth Cope), who does not want to live a life of crime but is emotionally blackmailed by his father into going along with his scheme to rob Finisham Maternity Hospital for its stock of contraceptive pills.Cyril reluctantly disguises himself as a new nurse to case the hospital and the booty, however he is assumed to be one of a batch of new student nurses who have just arrived, and is assigned the same room as the shapely, blonde nurse, Susan Ball (Barbara Windsor). Unfortunately for Cyril, he also catches the eye of the hospital Lothario, Dr. Prodd (Terry Scott.). Dr Prodd is infamous for ogling the student nurses & is under constant watch from the matron who wants to save the nurses from Dr Prodd’s unwanted advances.Sir Bernard Cutting (Kenneth Williams), the hypochondriac registrar of the hospital, is convinced he’s undergoing a sex change, however when he consults the nutty Dr F.A. Goode (Charles Hawtrey), Goode dishes out psychiatric Mumbo Jumbo, stating that Cutting merely wants to prove his manhood, and Cutting realizes he is in love with Matron (Hattie Jacques). Matron, on the other hand, has more than enough to contend with on the wards, with the gluttonous Mrs Tidey (Joan Sims) who seems more interested in eating than producing a baby and her long-suffering British Rail worker husband (Kenneth Connor) who continually hangs around the waiting room. When Cyril goes back to Prodd’s room to get a map of the hospital, Prodd attempts to get intimate, only to be knocked across the room. Prodd and Cyril are called out on an emergency when lovely film star Jane Darling (Valerie Leon) begins to have her baby, but as Cyril knocks Prodd out in the ambulance, he is forced to deal with the actress’s triplets being born. However, Jane Darling is delighted with Cyril, and hails “the nurse” a heroine for her efforts, bringing fame to the hospital. However, Susan uncovers Cyril’s disguise, but as she is in love with him, she does not reveal the truth.Bernard tries to “prove his manhood” by having sex with Matron, but she refuses unless Bernard proposes marriage, which Bernard is unwilling to do. Bernard finds Dr Goode hiding inside the Matron’s cupboard. Dr Goode & Matron had a weekly appointment to watch a TV serial together in her room, & Matron had hidden Dr Goode, when she heard Dr Bernard coming to her room. Dr Bernard naturally believed that Matron had refused him as she was having an affair with Goode. Cyril manages to get hold of the plans to the hospital & passes them on to Sid. Sid figures out that the pills are in the basement of the hospital and that the only way to get into the basement is via the front door.Sid finds Cyril’s pictures in the papers (being described as a hero) & decides to visit him in the hospital. Cyril tells Sid that Susan knows all about their plan & Sid decides to execute the plan the same evening. Sid is chased around the hospital by Matron, who thinks Sid has attempted to force himself upon nurse Cyril.The Sister (Jacki Piper) desperately tries to keep the ward in order, while Cutting’s secretary, Miss Banks (Patsy Rowlands) keeps her employer in check, but nothing can cool his pent-up desire to prove himself as a man, and it’s Matron who’s in his sights. The criminal gang don disguises – Sid dresses as the foreign “Dr Zhivago” and Ernie as a heavily expectant mum. They enter the hospital citing an emergency delivery. Sid & Freddy have to enter the Matron’s room to retrieve the keys to the basement medical store. But they are found by Dr Bernard, who again thinks that Matron is having an affair & is a sex fiend. The Matron convinces Dr Bernard that the men are suspicious & orders the doors to the hospital locked. Sid & co have stolen the pills, but can’t escape.The medical hierarchy’s threat to call the police is halted when Sid reveals the heroine of the day is a man, and the hospital realize they would suffer nationwide humiliation if anyone found out. Cyril weds his shapely nurse, Susan and Matron finally gets her doctor.

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Carry on Matron Movie Reviews

Excellent Carry On in hospital

Carry On Matron is one of the best of the Carry On movies and I first saw this when I was quite young.

A gang of crooks are after a load of pills and try to get them from Finisham Matarnity Hospital. One of the gang dresses up as a woman nurse but still fails to succeed. They get them towards the end but most of the hospital’s staff and patients stop them. Also, the Matron and Sir Bernard Cutting are married at the end.

Most of the Carry On gang are in this, including Hattie Jacques in the title role, Kenneth Williams, Sid James, Charles Hawtrey, Babs Windsor, Bernard Bresslaw, Joan Sims, Kenneth Conner and Terry Scott. This also stars Kenneth Cope, Bill Maynard (Heartbeat) and a young Wendy Richard, who of course now stars alongside Babs in EastEnders. Excellent stuff from all.

Have a laugh with Carry On Matron. Very funny.

Ratinf: 3 stars out of 5.

One of the better later Carry ons

I love most of the Carry on films, especially Cleo, Up the Khyber and my favourite Screaming. And I do admit I prefer in general the earlier entries, which had more fun and charm in alternative to the later entries some of which had an over-reliance on smut.

Carry on Matron may have some slow-moving scenes and a thin and predictable plot, with some odd moments of overly-smutty innuendos and crude slapstick. But thanks to the witty gags, sharp script and fun performances, even with its shortcomings it still manages to be one of the better and funnier later entries of the series.

The production values are pleasant, the music is suitably quirky and the direction is solid. What really drives the film are the performances. Hattie Jacques does a fine job in the title role and Charles Hawtrey is as good as ever. The wonderful Kenneth Williams is hilarious and has some of the best lines and scenes, and Sid James plays it straight in a somewhat atypical role. And I mustn’t forget the lovely cameos of Kenneth Connor as the nervous dad-to-be and Joan Sims as the overdue mum either.

All in all, an entertaining film. 7/10 Bethany Cox

The Bun and Oven Wards are open at Finisham Maternity Hospital.

The 23rd film in the Carry On series and the fourth (and last) of the medical themed adventures. Sid Carter (Sid James) leads a gang of thieves who plan to break into Finisham Hospital and steal a load of contraceptive pills to sell abroad. But where are they kept? Sid decides to send his son Cyril (Kenneth Cope) in undercover disguised as a nurse…

They probably seem like cheap gags now, but much mirth is mined from the scenarios set up by a man undercover as a female nurse. Cue him having to share a room with a foxy babe (Babs Windsor), having to fight off the attentions of the randy Doctor Prodd (a brilliant film stealing Terry Scott) and him getting involved with medical issues he has no idea about (yikes this is a maternity hospital!). Elsewhere Joan Simms portrays a human eating machine that is three weeks over due, while her poor railway worker husband (Kenneth Connor great as always) goes insane in the waiting room. Kenneth Williams is the hypochondriac hospital manager and the wonderful Hattie Jacques gets great scenes in a film thats title and script acknowledges her work in the medical Carry On films.

Briskly paced by the ever reliable Gerald Thomas, “Matron” is one of the more likable and funny Carry On entries of the 70s. 7.5/10