The Awakening of the Beast (1970)

  • Year: 1970
  • Released: 01 Oct 1990
  • Country: Brazil
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: Portuguese
  • MPA Rating: N/A
  • Genre: Drama, Horror
  • Runtime: 93 min
  • Writer: Rubens Francisco Luchetti, José Mojica Marins
  • Director: José Mojica Marins
  • Cast: José Mojica Marins, Ângelo Assunção, Ronaldo Beibe
  • Keywords: experiment, lsd, perversion, demon, madness, psychiatric ward,

The Awakening of the Beast Storyline

During a debate of journalists with the renowned psychiatrist Dr. Sérgio and José Mojica Marins a.k.a. Zé do Caixão, Sr. Sérgio presents several cases of kinky sex and orgy associated to the use of drugs. The journalists defend that the cases are related to perverts and criminals, but Dr. Sérgio blames the influence of drugs for the violence. Then Dr. Sérgio invites four persons from different classes to use LSD and analyze the effect of Zé do Caixão’s films in their twisted minds to prove his theory.—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The Awakening of the Beast Photos

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The Awakening of the Beast Movie Reviews

Bizarre, cultish ….but with a sense of humor…

Having recently caught this strange film on Independent Film Channel,it certainly warrants a viewing, if only for the curiosity of Jose Mojica Marins.

Primarily,he uses two scenarios: a round-table of psychiatrists discussing drug addiction,and alternate scenes of the addicts in question, who are given LSD as part of the experiment.

The poverty and demoralization (particularly of women in Brazil) is explored, and the scenes are stark, turning gradually to crude, horrific and even at times humorous. There is one scene in particular where a young woman is interviewing for a job as a maid and she envisions her prospective employer, who is obese and wolfing a plate of pasta)as a hideous looking Pekingnese dog.

Overall a creative and strange commentary on the drug cultures of the late 1960’s and 70’s.8/10.

Messy, Boring and Dated in 2011… but Daring and Disturbing for the Brazilian Dictatorship in 1970

During a debate of journalists with the renowned psychiatrist Dr. Sérgio and José Mojica Marins a.k.a. Zé do Caixão, Sr. Sérgio presents several cases of kinky sex and orgy associated to the use of drugs. The journalists defend that the cases are related to perverts and criminals, but Dr. Sérgio blames the influence of drugs for the violence. Then Dr. Sérgio invites four persons from different classes to use LSD and analyze the effect of Zé do Caixão’s films in their twisted minds to prove his theory.

“O Ritual dos Sádicos” is a weird low-budget movie by José Mojica Marins that begins with disconnected sequences and many perversions, kinky sex and anti-drug apology. Considered cult by fans of hardcore, the film is messy, boring and dated in 2011.

Its greatest merit is that in 1970, the daring and disturbing “O Ritual dos Sádicos” displeased the military dictatorship and was forbidden by the censorship. Then José Mojica Marins introduced modifications, inclusive the title was changed to “O Despertar da Besta” but the film was released only in the middle 80’s and never exhibited in movie theaters. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): “O Ritual dos Sádicos / O Despertar da Besta” (“The Ritual of the Sadistic / The Awakening of the Beast”)

Mondo Bizarro….

I know that this film has a lot of “defenders” – I guess I just didn’t get it. I really enjoyed AT MIDNIGHT I’LL TAKE YOUR SOUL, and have yet to see THIS NIGHT I’LL POSSESS YOUR CORPSE – but AWAKENING OF THE BEAST was just too strange and “psychedelic” for my taste.

Two-thirds of the film is in black-and-white, and this part is semi-amusing. A psychiatrist relates tales of drug-users that show that all those that use drugs are delinquents and perverts. We have a woman who defecates in a pot for the enjoyment of a room full of men, A woman who peeks from her doorway and does bumps of coke and strokes her donkey (no, this isn’t a word-play – I’m talking’ an actual donkey…)while the butler bones her daughter, a shady filmmaker who whacks-off while an associate rapes a naive wannabe actress, and so forth. Though none of this is portrayed very graphically – it’s still amusing. Then we get into a color portion that has this psychiatrist dosing up four volunteers with LSD, and they have strange visions including Coffin Joe and a series of strange delusions…

That’s pretty much it with this one, and although the beginning was kinda entertaining, it wasn’t sleazy enough to really be any fun. The end “trip-out” segment is just weird and long, and didn’t hold my attention. I guess I prefer the more “straight-narrative” Coffin Joe films, as I stated before that I quite liked I’LL TAKE YOUR SOUL. The fans of this one can keep it. Mildly amusing, but dull overall…6/10