Gallery of Horror (1967)

  • Year: 1967
  • Released: 17 Apr 1967
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: Not Rated
  • Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror
  • Runtime: 83 min
  • Writer: Russ Jones, David L. Hewitt, Gary R. Heacock
  • Director: David L. Hewitt
  • Cast: Lon Chaney Jr., John Carradine, Rochelle Hudson
  • Keywords: witch, vampire, anthology, return from dead, horror anthology,

Gallery of Horror Storyline

John Carradine narrates five horror tales, each with a comically predictable surprise ending. In the first, “The Witches Clock” (sic), The Farrells have purchased an old mansion in Salem Massachusetts, and are warned by the town doctor, Finchley, of the history of witches in the community, and the old clock which they brought up from the attic. Then an old man named Tristram Halbin comes for a visit. The second story, “King of the Vampires” deals with a slight-figured killer, called the King of the Vampires by Scotland Yard, which sends Brenner to investigate. The third, “Monster Raid,” is about a man turned zombie when he OD’s on his experimental drug, who returns to avenge his death at the hands of his widow and her lover-now husband. “Spark of Life” deals with a doctor Mendell obsessed with the experiments of a thrown-out professor named Erich von Frankenstein, and two of his students who try to restore a cadaver to life. “Count Alucard” (called “Alucard” by Carradine and “Dracula: on the end credits, is a variation on the Dracula story, with the Count acquiring the deed to Carfax Abbey from Harker, as vampiresses and dead bodies start turning up. It, too, has a surprise ending unrelated to Stoker.—

Gallery of Horror Photos

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Gallery of Horror Movie Reviews

Bad movie lovers of the world rejoice

I don’t know how to rate this (see below). Certainly this is one of the all time bad movies. A the same time its also unintentionally funny (I least I think so, but I’m not sure since several actors seem to be laughing on screen). This is one of those movies thats so enjoyably bad as to make you wonder why Ed Wood is king of bad movies when there are others more deserving of the title.

This film is a collection of five short horror film introduced by John Carradine. Each one runs about the same amount of time and ends with a twist ending.

The first is The Witches Clock and concerns a clock left in a castle a young couple has just purchased. Carradine appears in this story as a traveler who shows up at the castle when the clock is restarted.

King Vampire is about a vampire on the loose in Victorian London thats hunted by the police.

Monster Raid concerns a man who was fed an immortality drug returning from the grave to get revenge.

Spark of Life has Lon Chaney as a doctor trying to return the dead to life.

Count Dracula is a fast retelling of the Dracula story with a twist ending.

They play as if EC comics Tales from the Crypt or Vault of Horror became bad TV shows. Worse are the twists that end every story since they come at point not where logic would dictate they should be, but rather where a strict running time demands they be.

The acting is uneven and bad, with only Carradine the only one turning in anything close to a performance. The sets are dreadful as is pretty much everything else. Best of all (?) the movie was recently released on DVD in full widescreen so that the film can now be seen in its full cinematic glory (and I use the term lightly).

If you like bad movies this is a film to search out. If you want an actual “good” movie then I suggest you look elsewhere.

For Bad Movie lovers: 8 out of 10 For those who need good movies: 1 out of 10

So Bad It’s Good

“So Bad It’s Good” yes it’s one of those type of films. I have not a clue if the viewer is suppose to take the movie as a ‘serious’ horror film or if the filmmakers deliberately made this a tongue-in-cheek flick. Whichever it is, the movie is a bit camp. No it’s not a good film yet it is a good film.

I think each story was better than the last – and the very last story is Count Alucard (Dracula spelled backwards) is quite comical. They really did save the best for last.

OK, so what if it’s a bad film – it’s great for those of us who love campy classic B-rated horror movies. I found the film quite entertaining.


The overall IMDb score of 2.1 it’s not THAT good!

This is a terrible film and any star, other than John Carradine, would have been embarrassed to be in this mess. After all, that is truly horrible in every way. I am not exaggerating to say that it looks like a particularly bad local community theater had tryouts. Those who did not make the cut were then put in this film!! There are many actors attempting (horribly) English accents–some of which would be worse than if you had Jay Silverheels or Zha Zha Gabor try English accents!! And many could not even read their lines–annunciating the wrong syllables and badly reading the cue cards. In addition, while it’s supposed to be a horror anthology, I think they really intended to make it a horrible anthology, as none of the stories are the least bit scary or ironic or intelligently written. I am NOT exaggerating to say that I think “Dr. Terror’s Gallery of Horrors(?)” is every bit as bad, if not worse, than the worse Ed Wood film! Because of this, it might make great viewing by bad movie freaks–all others, however, should avoid it like the plague! the bottom line is that nothing about this film works and it is so completely amateurish and banal that it flabbergasted me! Why hadn’t I heard about a film this bad sooner?!