Crashout (1955)

  • Year: 1955
  • Released: 01 Mar 1955
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: Approved
  • Genre: Crime, Drama, Film-Noir
  • Runtime: 89 min
  • Writer: Hal E. Chester, Lewis R. Foster, Cy Endfield
  • Director: Lewis R. Foster
  • Cast: William Bendix, Arthur Kennedy, Luther Adler
  • Keywords: prison escape, escaped convict, film noir,
50% – Critics
50% – Audience

Crashout Storyline

Convict Van Duff engineers a large-scale prison break; the six survivors hide out in a forgotten mine working near the prison, then set out on a long, dangerous journey by foot, car, train and truck to retrieve Duff’s bank loot. En route, as they touch the lives of “regular folks,” each has his own rendezvous with destiny.—Rod Crawford

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Crashout Movie Reviews

It takes all kinds to make a world. Especially suckers.

Crashout is directed by Lewis R. Foster, who also co-adapts the screenplay with Hal E. Chester. It stars William Bendix, Arthur Kennedy, Luther Adler, William Talman, Gene Evans and Christopher Olsen. Music is by Leith Stevens and cinematography by Russell Metty.

Six convicts crashout of prison and embark on a life and death struggle to reach safety…

As tough as hobnail boots, Crashout is right there in the upper echelons of convict based film noir. There’s not exactly anything new here on formula terms, the cons are angry macho men, each one has their own hang ups, and each one has their respective flaws. Be it religious maniac, fantasist, psychopath or the one who doesn’t belong in this company, it’s a roll call of familiar convict types. Yet the performances are so strong, the tension so tight, all worries about familiarity breeding contempt disappears the moment the men hide out in a disused mine. For here we learn about their psychological make-ups, and quickly buy into the fractured dynamic that we know is going to result in a machismo fuelled implosion.

The warden said dead or alive and he didn’t say which.

Narrative strength comes by way of the fact the leader of the group, Van Morgan Duff (Bendix), is very injured and needs medical help. An out and out cold blooded brute, Duff wisely strikes a deal to split a pot load of hidden loot with the group, thus ensuring he gets to stay alive and in charge! The men then traverse the lands and encounter civilians, which in turn throws up some potent and tense filled scenarios. Murder and violence does follow, the film pretty brutal for the time, while the question of if anyone survives till the end looms large throughout.

You can take the con out of the jail, but you can’t take the jail out of the con.

Lewis and Metty do a fine job of cloaking the picture with rugged toughness. Often the camera is up close and personal to reveal the grime, blood or sweat that oozes from the men. Scenes of the guys breaking bottles to use as weapons, a hand caked with hot candle wax, or Duff laid down in the dirt with ants crawling over him, it’s all relevant to making these cons as tough as they come. We are not meant to like them, to root for them, they are outcasts of society and we know it. Visually it scores best when in the claustrophobic confines of the cave, and with an extended night sequence at Dexter rail station that’s bathed in shadows and murky lights.

Pulsing with fatalism and dripping with dread, Crashout is highly recommended to those after a tough cons on the lam film noir. 8.5/10

Not a typical prison film

Crashout isn’t your typical prison movie.

The film was produced by Ida Lupino’s company with script contributions by blacklisted writer Cy Enfield. Crashout stars William Bendix, Arthur Kennedy, Gene Evans, William Talman,Luther Adler, Marshall Thompson, Beverly Michaels, and Gloria Talbot.

Six men escape from prison and hide out in a cave while the police scour the countryside looking for them. One is killed almost immediately. The head guy is Van Morgan Duff (Bendix) who has $180,000 hidden, and he’s on his way to get it, agreeing to split it six wways.

However, right at the beginning, he’s badly wounded – in fact, he plays dead, convincing the cop who shot him that he’s finished. Though he seems like he’s dying, he’s strong enough to lay some groundrules.

The men are supposed to stay in the cave for three days, but the food didn’t make it during the escape. Peeking outside and seeing no one around, it’s decided they can leave. From then on, we see these ruthless men robbing, stealing cars, killing, and walking toward their individual fates.

Arthur Kennedy, no surprise there, is a standout as Joe Quinn. When the escapees take over a farmhouse, a spark ignites between Joe and Alice, who lives there.

The cast is excellent, with Bendix, so pathetic in “Lifeboat,” is mean as dirt here, and future television actors William Talman, Gene Evans, and Marshall Thompson lend good support, along with Broadway actor Luther Adler.

I first saw Beverly Michaels in Pickup, giving an Ann Savage-like performance. From the films of hers I’ve seen, she can be soft and vulnerable, too. And as usual she towers over everyone.

What some people won’t do for money – including a very impressive walk in a blizzard up a mountain. A really good movie, exciting and well acted.

Takes All Kinds…Especially B-Movie Suckers

Crashout gets to the point quickly. A story of desperate escapees making their way out of the abyss. William Bendix gives a “close to the bone” portrayal of a desperate man who escapes prison with a motley crew.

Nothing in this story comes easy. The six escapees work their way through several states by the skin of their teeth. On the other side is a split of a big pay day, but that pay day is way away buried in some of the most inhospitable territory imaginable. The common denominator is the promise of a huge buried payout. That’s the story of Crashout. It’s no easy road to glory for the cons, in the ensuing journey they cross paths with some unwitting characters. A journey of attrition whereby along the way not only does a possible love story evolve, but a the deaths of all but two remaining cons. The path to the big pay day is anything but a simple story. This is where Crashout rises above it’s “B Movie” roots. Bendix give his usual colorful performance, but this time as a star front and center. The story suits his skills well.

The end is a heartless reckoning. A sort of good trumps bad, but there is an opening. The character of “Joe” played by the great Arthur Kennedy may or may not be the last man standing. Does he have the buried fortune? Probably not, but if he survives he may actually have gained much more than the 180 grand. This is a really tasty slice of film noir. It grabs the viewer early on and doesn’t let go. Your’re in for the ride. It’s especially gritty and dark for the day in which it was filmed. It has a buried heart which all humanity can connect to. Basically hopeless, Crashout still has something that one can grab on to and in that it keeps the viewer invested. Great “B-Movie” film noir and as such recommended viewing for those to whom this stuff speaks.