The Mississippi Gambler (1953)

  • Year: 1953
  • Released: 05 Mar 1953
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: Nominated for 1 Oscar. 1 nomination total
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: Approved
  • Genre: Romance, Western
  • Runtime: 99 min
  • Writer: Seton I. Miller
  • Director: Rudolph Maté
  • Cast: Tyrone Power, Piper Laurie, Julie Adams
  • Keywords: gambling, new orleans, louisiana, riverboat,
71% – Critics
71% – Audience

The Mississippi Gambler Storyline

Mark Fallon, with partner Kansas John Polly, tries to introduce honest gambling on the riverboats. His first success makes enemies of the crooked gamblers and of fair Angelique Dureau, whose necklace he won. Later in New Orleans, Mark befriends Angelique’s father, but she still affects to despise him as his gambling career brings him wealth. Duelling, tragedy, and romantic complications follow.—Rod Crawford

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The Mississippi Gambler Movie Reviews

A gratifying entertainment!

The paddle boats were particularly suited to the shallow waters… The most famous were the very elegant gaming boats with casinos, bars and dancing rounding the bends of the Mississippi River…

“The Mississippi Gambler” is filled with many colorful characters… It is good for the reason that it covers a lot of ground and refreshes the eyes with great stars… It is good because Tyrone Power is excellent as the gallant gentleman, a man of high principles, honorable and courteous with women, a man with a sense of honor, duty and justice, steady in the game of skill, style and finesse, a very lucky man in the poker game…

Power erases the rough edges off his film personality and turns in a characterization that is virile without being rough… He and Piper Laurie make an excellent team… This cute headstrong haughty woman proves herself a good dramatic actress… She declares her love to Power on time, when the boat was about to sail…

Julie Adams breathes life into her characterization… She is a beautiful bereaved young woman who lost her heart on the riverboat and tries gently to discourage her admirer…

John McIntire is the veteran riverboat gambler with a dream – to open an honest gambling house, with a partner, on the bank of the Mississippi River…

John Baer is the unsympathetic compulsive gambler who cannot control the urge to gamble and loses everything… Baer is the arrogant descendant of an aristocratic family who wants to settle his debt by giving his sister’s valuable necklace… He is the treacherous young man who turns coward on the dueling field…

Dennis Weaver is the good-looking young man who wrecks his life by gambling away all his money… Paul Cavanagh is the loving father who throws down his gauntlet defending his friend’s principles challenging the offending party to a duel… Ron Randell is the banker embezzled to abundant luxuries on his willful and obstinate wife..

The film is beautifully shot with costumes above reproach… It is a gratifying entertainment, where romanticism is above all an exaltation of individual values and aspirations above those of society…

No shadow would ever stand between us.

The Mississippi Gambler is directed by Rudolph Maté and written by Seton I. Miller. It stars Tyrone Power, Piper Laurie, Julie Adams, John Mcintire, Paul Cavanagh, John Baer and Ron Randell. A Technicolor production out of Universal Pictures, the cinematography is by Irving Glassberg and music scored by Frank Skinner.

Mark Fallon (Power) is an ace and honest card player who earns his crust gambling on the river boats. Along with Kansas John Polly (McIntire), he aims to bring honest gambling to the card playing masses. When during one high stakes game he beats and embarrasses Laurent Dureau (Baer), it takes him to New Orleans where into his life comes danger, wealth, beautiful women, friendships and tragedy.

Sometimes horses and beautiful women are upset by whistles.

A forgotten film in the output of matinée idol Tyrone Power, The Mississippi Gambler is a different kind of adventure to the type he was ultimately known for. Perhaps this is why it’s still relatively obscure? That it isn’t a swashbuckling tale of derring-do and testosterone fuelled bravado? As fun as his swordsman pictures are, and they are, it’s a shame that the films such as this and Nightmare Alley, that contain some of his best performances, neither get the praise or exposure they deserve.

Mississippi Gambler finds Power getting his teeth into a role that can in many ways be seen as the ultimate male. Mark Fallon lives and breathes honesty and integrity, he is not only an ace card player, he’s an expert swordsman, a gentleman, an excellent dancer, and of course, handsome into the bargain. What makes the film so intriguing and ever watchable, is that Fallon does everything correct as he lives his life, but pain, misery and tragedy surrounds him. The majority of people who come into contact with him invariably suffer in one form or another, marking Fallon out as a homme fatale type through no fault of his own, with the film being structured in such a way you just have to wait for the finale to see if your hopes will be fulfilled?

Entering into this one expecting a high velocity adventure will only lead to disappointment. There is action, quite a bit in fact, as we are treated to some fencing, old fashioned fist fights and a duel, while fans of card playing get a couple of high stakes battle of wills to gorge upon. But all these moments are just insertions into a character driven whole, a whole based on romance, passion and yearnings for the unobtainable. The lead characters are nicely drawn by Maté (D.O.A.) and Miller (The Adventures of Robin Hood/Here Comes Mr. Jordan), where the psychological make up and traits of the important individuals is there to absorb, ensuring the story is never dull, that it has a belief in what it will deliver come the end. The only real misstep is with Adams’ character, Ann Conant, it’s a thankless role and really needed some more flesh on her bones. But boy does Adams look stunning!

As a production the film also scores incredibly high. Bill Thomas’ period costumes are feasts for the eyes, beautifully realised by Glassberg’s (Bend of the River) Technicolor photography, and the back drop set decoration (Russell Gausman/Julia Heron) is fit to have graced a bigger budgeted epic in the same decade. Prolific music man Frank Skinner (Arabian Nights) scores it thematically reflective, while Gwen Verdon deserves a mention for her choreography, notably for the excitingly macabre Haitian Devil Song. On the acting front it’s ineviatbly Power’s show, but he is well supported by McIntire (crafty sidekick), Laurie (pulse raising lady axis) and Baer (snivelling spoiled fop). However, best of the support bunch is Cavanagh (Magnificent Obsession), he gives Edmond Dureau a regal quality, a bastion of moral codes, a hark back to when men were correct in manners and parental skills. The relationship between Fallon and Edmond is one of the film’s true highlights, and that’s because of Power and Cavanagh’s performances.

A wonderful movie that’s just crying out for a wide home format release, if you get the chance to catch it then grasp it with both hands. 8/10

Ty Power as Gaylord Ravenal

Mississippi Gambler was Tyrone Power’s first film since Darryl Zanuck loaned him to MGM for Marie Antoinette away from Twentieth Century Fox. Ty produced this one and filmed it under the banner of Universal- International. It got deserved good reviews.

No actor in the history of cinema was better suited to period pieces and costumes as Tyrone Power. If Power had been possessed of a good singing voice he’d have made the ultimate Gaylord Ravenal.

As Mark Fallon he’s a gentlemen riverboat gambler who gets involved with a pair of women, the spoiled Piper Laurie from an aristocratic New Orleans family and Julie Adams, a down to earth person of few pretensions, but she comes to love Ty deeply. Who could blame her.

Ty with partner John McIntire set out to and succeed in owning a gambling palace where honest games of chance are the rule. They don’t need to cheat because they’re both the best at their trade.

Villain of the piece is John Baer, Laurie’s weakwilled and spoiled brother. He becomes a truly hateful person in this film, the kind audiences love to hiss.

Making a film debut here is Dennis Weaver as a man who goes broke at Power’s tables and then commits suicide. You could tell Weaver was going to have a big career from this brief role. You can also spot Guy Williams as one of Baer’s aristocratic friends.

If Universal had used one of their contract players for Mississippi Gambler, the part would undoubtedly have been played by the fast rising Rock Hudson. But I don’t think Rock could have touched what Power did in a role perfectly suited for him.

Hopefully Mississippi Gambler will come out on Video and DVD soon. Too many of Tyrone Power’s performances are unseen by today’s generation.