Father’s Little Dividend (1951)

  • Year: 1951
  • Released: 27 Apr 1951
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: 1 win & 1 nomination
  • IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0043526/
  • Rotten Tomatoes: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/fathers_little_dividend
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: Not Rated
  • Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
  • Runtime: 82 min
  • Writer: Albert Hackett, Frances Goodrich, Edward Streeter
  • Director: Vincente Minnelli
  • Cast: Spencer Tracy, Joan Bennett, Elizabeth Taylor
  • Keywords: grandfather, in-laws, pregnant daughter, parent-in-law child-in-law relationship, maternity ward, baby born,
100% – Critics
61% – Audience

Father’s Little Dividend Storyline

In this sequel to Father of the Bride (1950), Stanley Banks (Spencer Tracy) learns that his daughter Kay (Dame Elizabeth Taylor) is going to have a baby. When they get the news everyone except Stanley is overjoyed. His wife and grandmother-to-be Ellie (Joan Bennett) broadcasts it everywhere and all Stan can do is worry about the practical things like how his son-in-law Buckley Dunstan (Don Taylor) can afford it. Well, having not long ago paid for the wedding, Stanley has no intention of bearing any of the expenses involved. Buckley’s parents and Ellie are overjoyed at the news and virtually take over redecorating the young couple’s new house. Crisis and false alarms take over their lives and when the child is born, the only person he doesn’t seem to like is Stanley. A walk in the park – and absolute panic when Stanley misplaces his grandson – seems to resolve the situation.—garykmcd

Father’s Little Dividend Photos

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Father’s Little Dividend Movie Reviews

A sequel that retains the freshness of the original

Detailing the life of the newlyweds (does he really love her?) and the traumas attendant upon the birth of the first baby, “Father’s Little Dividend” is a movie as nicely relaxing and easy to get on with as its predecessor, “Father of the Bride.”

Months after the wedding of his daughter, Tracy is at last making a recovery from the effects of that marriage when he is told that his daughter and son-in-law are to have a baby… At first Tracy is opposed to the whole idea, but he adjusts to the inevitable… Then many problems arise and even the birth of the baby does not solve all the matters that cause worry and perplexity…

In “Cynthia” or “A Date with Judy,” Liz Taylor—a bride-to-be or as eager wife and mother—she’s a healthy, normal young woman, something of a forerunner to Elinor Donahue’s bright, bubbly Betty of “Father Knows Best.”

Once again, Spencer Tracy stole the picture as he came to face the enthusiasm and exuberance of grandfatherhood

A wonderful and realistic followup from FATHER OF THE BRIDE

I absolutely loved FATHER OF THE BRIDE. This was my favorite Spencer Tracy film in that it gives him a chance to play an “everyman” and you really grow to care about him and his growing family. So, I was thrilled that MGM made this sequel (and I ordinarily hate sequels). Now that his lovely daughter, Liz Taylor, was married off in the last film, this movie tackles the next big life-changing event in Tracy’s life–the imminent birth of his grandchild. All the worries and changes are dealt with so deftly that you soon forget that nothing earth-shattering or amazing happens in the film–it’s just a wonderfully written, directed and acted slice of life film that is enhanced by its realism and gentle humor.

The Dunstans and Banks at it again

I’d like to be able to write that Father’s Little Dividend is as worthy a sequel to Father of the Bride as The Bells of St. Mary’s is to Going My Way. Unfortunately it did not happen that way.

The whole cast is re-united for this sequel with newlyweds Elizabeth Taylor and Don Taylor expecting their first. The possibility of being a grandfather has Spencer Tracy all disjointed, old age has come upon him with the suddenness of a punch in the nose. But the film essentially is the story of his adjustments to the situation. The other three grandparents, Joan Bennett, Moroni Olsen and Billie Burke all seem to be taking it in stride.

Joan Bennett has a lot more to do in this one than in Father of the Bride. Her driving like a maniac to get to Elizabeth Taylor’s side as she’s about to deliver is a great scene. And her plans to take over the raising of the baby are pretty funny as the whole thing just exasperates Tracy.

But the end was a horrible let down. I have to agree with the other reviewer that there ain’t nothing funny about losing an infant which is what Tracy does when he’s distracted by kids playing in the park while he’s taking the kid for a stroll. Too many real tragedies happen this way for any humor to be gleaned from the situation.

But if you find humor in it or think the way it was handled OK, than by all means see Father’s Little Dividend.