Ivan the Terrible, Part One (1944)

  • Year: 1944
  • Released: 08 Mar 1947
  • Country: Soviet Union
  • Adwords: 2 wins & 1 nomination
  • IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0037824/
  • Rotten Tomatoes: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/ivan_the_terrible_part_i
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: Russian
  • MPA Rating: Not Rated
  • Genre: Biography, Drama, History
  • Runtime: 95 min
  • Writer: Sergei Eisenstein
  • Director: Sergei Eisenstein
  • Cast: Nikolay Cherkasov, Lyudmila Tselikovskaya, Serafima Birman
  • Keywords: wedding, church, medieval, intrigue, exile,
100% – Critics
91% – Audience

Ivan the Terrible, Part One Storyline

In 1547, Ivan IV (1530-1584), archduke of Moscow, crowns himself Tsar of Russia and sets about reclaiming lost Russian territory. In scenes of his coronation, his wedding to Anastasia, his campaign against the Tartars in Kazan, his illness when all think he will die, recovery, campaigns in the Baltic and Crimea, self-imposed exile in Alexandrov, and the petition of Muscovites that he return, his enemies among the boyars threaten his success. Chief among them are his aunt, who wants to advance the fortunes of her son, a simpleton, and Kurbsky, a warrior prince who wants both power and the hand of Anastasia. Ivan deftly plays to the people to consolidate his power.

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1080pbluray1.47 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:7A799F7D271720065F32B8216AA53ACFA5094999

Ivan the Terrible, Part One Subtitles Download

Englishsubtitle Ivan.The.Terrible,.Part.I.1944.1080p.BluRay.x264-
Greeksubtitle Ivan.the.Terrible,.Part.I.1944.720p.BluRay.x264.
Spanishsubtitle Ivan.The.Terrible,.Part.I.1944.1080p.BluRay.x264-

Ivan the Terrible, Part One Movie Reviews

“If he is strong enough, all will recognise him”

Despite spending his career under an increasingly restrictive regime which regarded cinema as a tool to propagate the government line and needed only the slightest excuse to censor or ban pictures, Sergei Eisenstein always had his own ideas and agendas which shone through the propaganda. Ivan the Terrible was commissioned by the Soviet government to glorify a dead dictator, with whom the living dictator (Stalin) identified, but in Eisenstein’s hands it became much more than that – one of the greatest studies of power in the history of cinema.

Ivan the Terrible is primarily concerned with the conflict between the institutional power of the system and the charismatic power of individuals. This theme is all set up in the opening scene. It begins with a shot of the crown, and then goes through the various rituals of Ivan’s coronation, whilst in the background various dignitaries whisper their doubts to each other. Ivan’s face is not even shown until the crown goes on his head. It’s clear at this point that we are seeing the creation of a symbolic figurehead tsar – the rituals and symbols of power mean more than the man himself. However, when Ivan begins to speak he talks of uniting Russia and ruling with an iron fist. From the series of reaction shots, we are told straight away that the assorted aristocrats, state officials and clergymen wanted a puppet ruler, and are now horrified. Throughout the film Eisenstein uses this kind of cinematic shorthand to reveal the shifting loyalties and private thoughts of characters. More than any other film I can think of, you can understand what is going on in Ivan the Terrible without needing to understand the dialogue or see the subtitles – the story is told purely in images.

Although Eisenstein had been making films for twenty years before this, it’s clear his style was still evolving. He editing technique prior to this was mostly used to enhance action sequences or make political points through comparisons. Now he uses it to convey emotions and relations between characters. If he had lived a little longer he could perhaps have broadened his horizons and become a director of dramas. Still, as with his previous works this is a story told more through the masses of people – not through the individuals.

Perhaps the biggest change between Eisenstein’s early silent works and these later sound films is in their level of stylisation. While the silent films may have been very visually dynamic, the way they were staged and acted was essentially realist – the crowds, the action, the set ups all looked authentic. Ivan the Terrible on the other hand is theatrical, almost operatic – stentorian voices, exaggerated gestures and outlandish looking characters. One thing along these lines that is consistent throughout all his pictures (and was sometimes at odds with the realism of his earlier work) is the way in which he cast and directed his actors so as to leave no doubts as to their character. While the lead roles were filled by strikingly good-looking actors, the villains were often painfully ugly, and are often made to look ridiculous in the way they act. Look at, for example, Ivan’s rival for the throne Vladimir, whom Eisenstein turns into a half-wit with a vacant expression. He also likes to remind us of animals – for example the conniving, hunchbacked diplomat who resembles some kind of crow.

Eisenstein also here takes on an expressionist look for the first time – very en vogue in Hollywood at the time, but virtually an unknown movement in Soviet cinema. Ivan the Terrible is set largely in dim, grimy interiors – in contrast to earlier Eisenstein pictures which took place largely outdoors – so the grainy, moody look is quite appropriate. He pays a great deal of attention to lighting, with characters often throwing large shadows against walls very much in the style of Fritz Lang and Michael Curtiz.

Of the two completed parts of Ivan the Terrible (there was to be a third, but it was axed by the government during production), I personally prefer the second. They are more or less identical in style, but Part 1 is made up of a series of short episodes and is a little less engaging. The coronation and wedding scenes are perfectly constructed, and the war on Kazan is up there with the battle scenes in Aleksandr Nevsky. I find the later scenes with Ivan’s brush with death and his self-imposed exile a little slow, even though they are still incredibly well made.

Perfect propaganda parallels

I’ve seen this a number of times now so it’s difficult for me to remember having trouble getting into the stylised form of acting and by 1944 dated expressionistic cinematography that other viewers might have. First time of watching it was on UK TV over 20 years ago with Part 2 and a documentary called Part 3 containing the remaining extant scenes, and I loved it. I’m dead against arty farty pretentious movies and am always aware that being obscure does not automatically make a film a classic, but this really is a classic of its kind. It was Eisenstein’s best work (imho) a rallying call to all of the disparate inhabitants of Mother Russia to work and fight together, which was ordered by Stalin and who was pleased with the similarities – I bet he was on tenterhooks waiting for Ivan to go insane though.

Ivan is crowned Tsar of all the Russias and proceeds to drag the country into the 16th century, disposing of external enemies in the form of Tartars, starting a long war against Livonia and limiting the influence of the antagonistic aristocracy, the boyars. The acting is intensely melodramatic, with endless sinister sidelong glances taken from acute camera angles and Ivan’s pointy beard shown to good advantage, which to people not paying much attention can probably be mirth-inducing. But this was pulse-quickening propaganda for the new Russian working class to comprehend, not Artheads decades later – Eisenstein did it so memorably that like Potemkin it’s still spellbinding today. Otoh he borrowed extensively from Snow White too for some of most incredible shadowy images in here, and his whole technique hadn’t moved on from silent film. The use of the b&w nitrate film, costumes, sets and angular ugly faces are wondrous to behold and Prokofiev’s stirring music glues it all together triumphantly.

All in all, a knockout film with faults but which still defies and will survive all criticism.

Plenty of Googly-eyed posturing!

This is a rotten movie that is masquerading as “art”. While many elitist art critics have declared that it is a masterpiece, I doubt if the common guy on the street would sit and watch this bile for more than a few minutes before they turned it off and put on something,…ANYTHING else! While this movie also isn’t as bad as Harry Medved thought by naming it one of the 50 worst movies ever, I do think he is much closer to the truth! Never in all my life have I seen a movie that is this silly and pretentious,…except for a few of Jean-Luc Godard’s films. Instead of DOING things, the characters (especially at the awful beginning of the film) make googly-eyed expressions at the camera and stare intensely as in a trance. The worst of these is the guy who plays Ivan. It’s as if he thought the movie was entitled “Ivan the Somnambulist”.

Later in the film, when it appears something exciting is about to happen when Ivan’s army lays siege of his enemies, the film builds and builds and builds and then the scene abruptly changes!!!! It’s as if the message “scene missing here” should be flashed across the screen! The movie is actually VERY interesting from a historical perspective. Stalin ordered director Eisenstein to make this monstrosity as a thinly veiled message that for the nation to be strong, they must have a dictatorial leader who will kill the evil schemers. In other words, Stalin as a dictator MUST for the good of Russia commit terrible atrocities and kill his millions of enemies! So, like Ivan, Stalin LOVES his people and LOVES Russia–that’s why he murders so many of them! Also, interesting is how in the midst of an all-out war to save the nation from the Nazis, the country could pour so many of its resources into making such a monumental movie.

The bottom line is that this is pure propaganda and pure “artsy-fartsy” trash–redeemed from a score of 1 just because it had a few impressive battle scenes and the soundtrack was very nice. Avoid it unless you, like me, are a masochist who tries to see bad films from time to time.