IMDb 3.9 – IMDb Torrent Best free movies & subtitles Download in the world Thu, 02 May 2024 10:23:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Evil Spawn (1987) Thu, 02 May 2024 10:23:09 +0000 Evil Spawn (1987) Read More »

  • Year: 1987
  • Released: 14 Oct 1989
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 480p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: Not Rated
  • Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi
  • Runtime: 70 min
  • Writer: Kenneth J. Hall, Ted Newsom
  • Director: Kenneth J. Hall, Ted Newsom, Fred Olen Ray
  • Cast: Bobbie Bresee, Drew Godderis, Dawn Wildsmith
  • Keywords:
26% – Critics
false% – Audience

Evil Spawn Storyline

Microbes are brought back to earth via a space probe from Venus. A scientist is using them in experiments on aging, but dies before the work is finished. His assistant approaches an aging actress who is being passed by for the lead roles, and she injects the serum hoping to become young again. When the actress is still passed up for the plum roles, the alien bacterium transforms her into a hideous bug-like alien resulting in a predictable attrition problem amongst her detractors.—Ed Sutton

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Evil Spawn Torrents Download

480pbluray668.96 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:3491E94BB4B3DE2C10894413079C8BD7D3DA13E4

Evil Spawn Subtitles Download

Evil Spawn Movie Reviews

Evil Spawn

An aging actress, Lynn Roman(Bobbie Bresee;who, at 37, had one knock out of a body), desperately desires to retain her past glory by nabbing a major part designed for a 20 year old lead, decides to inject an experimental formula given to her by a mysterious scientist. This scientist, Evelyn Avery(Dawn Wildsmith),an obsessive fan of Roman’s, caused the deaths of her boss, Dr. Zeitman(John Carradine; whose role was actually lifted from stock footage of another proposed Fred Olen Ray project, Frankenstein’s Brain)and fellow colleague using a formula designed from alien DNA. It is designed to make Lynn look younger, but has a nasty side-effect, when angered, she transforms into a hideous insect monster! Yes, Bresee turns into yet another monster. Anyway, Lynn’s biographer, Ross Anderson(Drew Godderis, in a dreadful performance with equally appalling voice over narration that seems to attempt a homage of sorts to Sunset Boulevard)investigates the drug she’s been injecting and discovers some disturbing truths. Meanwhile, Lynn’s alter-ego, the insect monster, emerges killing her maid, Elaine(Pamela Gilbert), back-stabbing agent, Harry(Fox Harris), and cheating boyfriend, Mark(Mark Anthony).

I believe there’s an alternate version out there with extra footage shot by Fred Olen Ray, but the version I viewed gives Kenneth J Hall full credit as director. On this page, several cast members represent characters that aren’t in the film I just finished, which was released by Fred’s distribution label for DVD. Anyway, the quality for this movie is below par and the camera-work is exceptionally flat and unimaginative. Bobbie Bresee, however, is well cast and gets a chance to flaunt her magnificent naked figure in a gratuitous shower sequence. Unfortunately, the close-ups of her false monster teeth are laughable, although her creepy eye contacts and furious facial expressions work a bit better. The monster costume comes right out of those bad creature features in the 50’s which I felt was intentional..a beloved spoof of those films, placed within an 80’s modern setting. The film’s theme is the longing to remain a vital figure in Hollywood despite the expiration date looming(..again, right out of Sunset Boulevard)and Bresee, despite how yummy her figure is, seems to tap into the rage that befalls older actresses trying to keep up with the much younger gals entering the industry. The sub-plot with Wildsmith, as the diabolical, deranged scientist, really off-sets the tone of the rest of the film, particularly her scenes in her apartment, taping collective photos and clippings of Lynn on the walls. The monster mayhem is(intentionally?)goofy and rather poorly executed because the costume isn’t the least bit scary..more likely, seeing it will give you the giggles. Pamela Gilbert(..a tall, athletic figure, with long brown hair), as Lynn’s maid, disrobes for the horny male(..and female?)viewers during a swim while her employer is away, eventually falling prey to the monster..told she was too old for the desired lead role she so covets, Lynn’s rage causes the beast to rear it’s ugly head. The scene with an elderly Carradine, attempting to speak his lines(..and obviously reading from cue cards), looks to be on death’s’s kind of hard to watch knowing that he wouldn’t be with us very much longer and seeing him struggle with his lines, barely being able to breathe, kind of brought about sadness because I’m such a fan of his. The opening of the film, concerning the alien monster who attacks Evelyn’s colleague, leads to the film’s standout gore scene..the scientist interrupts a couple in a jeep searching for their pooch, ripping the arm off of the man attempting to see if he’s okay.

Spawn up your Life, with youth-microbes from Venus!

Wow, I’m actually speechless … I have watched lots of awful horror movies in my life and I definitely know to keep my expectations low regarding late 80’s low-budgeted monster movies – especially when the name Fred Olen Ray is even remotely involved – but still somehow I’m truly baffled about how inept and terrible “Evil Spawn” actually is! The best way to describe the film (if you can even call it that) is to label is a smutty and sleazy 80’s remake of Roger Corman’s “The Wasp Woman”. Vain and arrogant actress Lynn Roman still considers herself as beautiful, young and successful, but her surrounding is slightly more realistic. Her agent can’t find her any more roles, befriended directors prefer young brunettes and even her own husband sleeps with younger actresses. Luckily for Lynn, a totally bonkers female scientist comes to see her with a serum extracted from intergalactic Venus microbes that supposedly will make her appear younger again. Yes, seriously! The serum actually works, but not sufficiently and it doesn’t help Lynn to obtain new roles. And thus, like any normal person would react, she injects copious amounts of serum into her veins and mutates into a gigantic alien bug creature that feeds on humans.

Sounds like a lot of brainless B-movie fun, doesn’t it? Well it certainly is, but exclusively for people that are already familiar with the oeuvre/style of Fred Olen Ray and then still have an incredibly high tolerance lever for incompetence. The little intro video hosted by Olen Ray himself, known as the Night Owl Theater, already states clear that the man isn’t really interested in good horror cinema, but merely in ugly monsters and especially naked women. It’s particularly the retarded little details that make “Evil Spawn” such an amusing waste of 70 minutes. The film opens with images of a ridiculous looking spaceship, and yet the rest of the entire film takes place on earth. John Carradine, who looks more dead than alive, appears for approximately three minutes even though he receives top-billing on the DVD cover. He mumbles a couple of inaudible sentences and then literally drops dead in his seat. Several monster films of the 1980’s have become genuine classics thanks to their marvelous transformation sequences. Like “An American Werewolf in London” for example. The transformation sequences in “Evil Spawn” are slightly less overwhelming. When Lynn injects herself with serum, she first receives a mouthful of ugly sharp teeth but then immediately changes into a full-grown and unidentifiable creature! It’s harsh, but I more or less understand why this film didn’t receive an Oscar nomination for the special effects. There’s plentiful of gore and nudity, of course, quite often at the same time, like when the sexy brunette secretary gets eaten by the poolside and blood runs down over her butt-cheeks. The acting performances are horrible, although most of the cast members aren’t all that inexperienced. Lead actress Bobbie Bresee appeared in a handful of B-movies, including “Mausoleum” and “Ghoulies”, and furthermore there’s Gordon Mitchell (who starred in literally hundreds of Italian flicks) and Jerry Fox. “Evil Spawn” is a lot of dumb fun, but I think everyone agrees the best thing about it is actually the DVD cover image.

THE ALIEN WITHIN, the rare version of EVIL SPAWN.

How do you make a bad movie even worse? Apparently you hire Ted Newsom, give him a camcorder and put him under the not-so-watchful eye of producer Fred Olen Ray. Here we have the very fun Grade-Z classic EVIL SPAWN (1986) by director Kenneth J. Hall reedited and with new and pointless inserts shot on tape. The new scenes feature Jay Richardson and Suzanne Ager as cops sitting in a car talking, eating doughnuts and fighting an awful hand-puppet monster, Gordon Mitchell sitting at a desk on the phone and Richard Harrison turning into an pathetic rubbery monster and ripping Melissa Moore’s top off. Scenes from the original film easily provide the most entertaining moments in this version, so you might as well seek it out. Forrest J. Ackerman is seen briefly in the old and the new footage.

EVIL SPAWN (original version): 5 out of 10

New footage contained on THE ALIEN WITHIN: 1 out of 10

Doomsday Prophecy (2011) Thu, 02 May 2024 10:22:36 +0000 Doomsday Prophecy (2011) Read More »

13% – Critics
false% – Audience

Doomsday Prophecy Storyline

A book editor is in the posession of an artifact that gives him visions. He lets on that he has another book written ready for publishing and asks for a proof reader (by name) to come and collect it. When the proof reader arrives, he finds the book editor dead and upon touching the artifact, has visions himself about the ending of the world. The entire plot is based on the 2012 galactic allignment end of world scenario, and the lead character teams up with an attractive archeologist and together they run from rogue government agents who also want the artifact, whilst narrowly avoiding death both from being shot and by falling into the earth during massive earthquakes. Mean while the rest of the world is befalling massive destruction. with only hours to spare, the duo must somehow save the day.—Brett Moore

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Doomsday Prophecy Torrents Download

720pbluray848.89 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:6F058823ACAFBCC6875753BCE994B56BB5D4157A
1080pbluray1.7 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:D0D67956FC1B9EA0375D911BB852D48244600D74

Doomsday Prophecy Subtitles Download

Brazillian Portuguese subtitle Doomsday.Prophecy.2011.DVDRiP.XviD-UNVEiL
English subtitle Doomsday.Prophecy.2011.1080p.BluRay.x264-BRMP
English subtitle Doomsday.Prophecy_1080p_720p_bdrip_3d_x264-utf8
Indonesian subtitle Doomsday Prophecy BRRip 720p by Hasyim Achim
Vietnamese subtitle Doomsday Prophesy 2011 720p BluRay DTS x264-DNL

Doomsday Prophecy Movie Reviews

Funniest Doomsday of the year

A mysterious clairvoyant provides Brooke (Jewel Staite from ‘Firefly’) and Eric Fox (AJ Buckley, an actor previously unknown to me) with instructions how to save the world from a dark star: they have to find those grumpy looking stone-heads from Easter Island – in Canada, because they don’t have time to travel to the SE Pacific Ocean anymore. To ensure nothing can go wrong, someone scribbled a note on a stone – and hid it in the forest 26,000 years ago. The two heroes are chased by agents who realize their mission doesn’t make any sense, but by then, it’s almost too late to save the world… with a small stick. Seriously.

There are 2 kinds of lousy disaster movies: the bad, boring ones, and the ones which are so bad they become funny. This is a funny one, and I definitely wasn’t bored watching it. I wouldn’t worry about the special effects as much as the other reviewers, it’s TV documentary, not cinema, but you can’t expect more for low budget. Instead, I’d rather wonder why actors don’t read the script first. If you can’t believe any of this actually could happen, that’s a bad start compared to disaster movie classics about earthquakes, climate changes or sinking ships.

Kind of boring.

This movie was not suspenseful or particularly interesting. The CGI was typically unnatural and very fake looking, there were a lot of failures to keep consistent with some of the supposedly scientific phenomenon, and it was a rather see-through plot with no surprises. The only saving grace about this movie was the actors were actually good. I think a lot more could have been done with this movie if it had had a better budget. It was almost like watching one of those semi-interesting science movies they show you in high school. In fact, I’m pretty sure most of those high school science movies had better graphics. Worth watching once if you are bored and have alcohol. Not something you’d turn off half way through out of sheer boredom, but not something I would watch again and/or recommend to others.

Not brilliant by any stretch, but one of SyFy’s more tolerable movies…

I say this as somebody who dislikes a vast majority of SyFy’s movies. Doomsday Prophecy actually did seem interesting in its idea, but I also approached it in trepidation in fear that it would be another Titanic II, Quantum Apocalypse, Alien vs. Hunter, Almighty Thor or 2010: Moby Dick. In my opinion though, although it is far from perfect or even brilliant, Doomsday Prophecy is one of their more tolerable efforts.

There is some cheesy dialogue, some of the supporting characters could have been better developed and some of the effects like with the ground cracking are rather cheap. The story is also uneven for me. The film does start off promisingly and for a while unlike some SyFy movies actually feels as though there is a story and an original one at that plus it is paced reasonably, but it does meander with a silly subplot involving some shady characters and few scenes that feel like filler rather than serving purpose to the story and an ending that feels rather rushed and abrupt.

On the other hand, the scenery is quite good and the editing and photography are an improvement over most SyFy efforts, not looking as slipshod as something like Titanic II, Mega Piranha or Dinocroc vs Supergator. The music is adequate even if nothing stands out as such and the sound is more authentic than some of the bizarre or misplaced sound effects I’ve heard in past SyFy movies. While there are some underdeveloped support characters, the leads are somewhat likable especially the protagonist. The cameos are decent and AJ Buckley is solid, but the best thing about Doomsday Prophecy is easily Jewel Staite, she looks very natural and gives her character a lot of charm and wide-eyed innocence.

All in all, not bad, not good, just a tolerable enough if not exceptional in any shape or form to spend a couple of hours or so with. 5/10 Bethany Cox

12 Pups of Christmas (2019) Mon, 08 Apr 2024 11:46:44 +0000 12 Pups of Christmas (2019) Read More »

14% – Critics
14% – Audience

12 Pups of Christmas Storyline

Martin is building a company producing traceable animal collars, but urgently needs a major new investment by Christmas, when he must present and improved product at a New York meeting. His sister and deputy hires canine therapist Erin, whom he initially just charges with minding a litter of twelve puppies needing new homes, abandoned after a photo shoot. She son proves valuable inspiration to re-design the collars, and drags Martin along to deliver the puppies, mistaking his distance for a gringe aversion of dogs, next he takes her along to sell the product, while forcing her former BFF to poetic penance for stealing her fiance, albeit almost the other way around. They learn to appreciate each-other’s views and qualities, clearing the path for Cupid.—KGF Vissers

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12 Pups of Christmas Torrents Download

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1080pweb1.64 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:C59CC9CD432F3F46744FBF770280A24B323D26AC

12 Pups of Christmas Subtitles Download

12 Pups of Christmas Movie Reviews

Extraordinarily Bad.

I love Hallmark & Hallmark-esque movies, which should tell you I can tolerate some absolute nonsense, but this has got to be one of the worst movies ever made. Its such a stinker, it makes the average Hallmark movie look like Oscar bait.

The lead actress does actual Joey Tribbiani “smell the fart” acting and the plot has so many holes you could grate cheese with it.

I was so incensed by how bad this movie was, I restarted my IMDB account just to leave this review. Learn from my mistakes and avoid this like the plague.

One star for the dogs, none for anything else

This was abysmal, even for a Hallmark movie. Nothing about it makes sense. Why is a man who’s smooth enough to have six girlfriends too cowardly to break up with one? Why does a rich CEO whose dad is willing to hand him a pile of money at the drop of a hat think he’s in financial danger? Why does a CEO who has a home in Silicon Valley and a penthouse in NYC seem completely unfamiliar with the concept of flying? Why was an entire staff of tech professionals unable to come up with the idea to “make this product smaller”? Why does the lead actress have more chemistry with any woman on screen than with the male lead? Why did the screenwriter think Animal Track is an amazing app name? (At least give me a Pooch Ping or a Critter Getter) Why is there a montage of two people doing literally nothing? Why are people riding jetskis in the Hudson River in December?

Unsympathetic, mean-spirited lead role

I understand that ION Christmas movies can be a little darker and more adult-themed than the typical G-rated Hallmark fare, but this film was too over the top for me.

My main problem is with the lead role. She comes across as snide, condescending, and spiteful throughout them film. While a few of her comments seem to be on-target at first – with her so-called friends well deserving of her scorn – after a while it just becomes boring with the relentless tirade of insults.

But she isn’t the only problem. It was really hard to relate to any of the other supporting characters in this film at all. They all just seemed so trite and phony.

The only good moments are the pitifully few scenes of the puppies being delivered to their new owners. But this takes up hardly any screen time at all. The rest of the film just meanders through relentless scenes of mean-spiritedness and cynicism, where the viewer is jarred by alternating scenes of tenderness and downright hostility.

Eventually, there is some resolution, but it is not convincing and the character remains vindictive almost to the very end. The film just can’t seem to overcome the lead character’s extreme unpleasantness.

Overall, there is air of cruelty and cynicism that pervades, decidedly not what these Holiday-themed should be all about.

Dragon Day (2013) Sat, 30 Mar 2024 06:59:11 +0000 Dragon Day (2013) Read More »

  • Year: 2013
  • Released: 28 Oct 2014
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: 1 nomination
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: Not Rated
  • Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller
  • Runtime: 95 min
  • Writer: Jeffrey Travis, Matt Patterson
  • Director: Jeffrey Travis
  • Cast: Ethan Flower, Åsa Wallander, Jenn Gotzon
  • Keywords: china, chaos, invasion,
40% – Critics
40% – Audience

Dragon Day Storyline

When out-of-work engineer Duke Evans and his family try to rebuild their lives in a remote mountain town, their own version of the American Dream is cut short on the day a devastating cyberattack destroys the U.S. as we know it. Every microchip ‘Made in China’ has been infected with a virus that rapidly shuts down all modern technology. The aftermath happens fast, and as the rule of law, water, and food run out, Duke and his family must use all their wits and the unlikely help of Alonso, an illegal immigrant, to survive this frighteningly realistic scenario.—Travis, Jeffrey

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Dragon Day Subtitles Download

Danish subtitle Dragon.Day.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-iFPD
Norwegian subtitle Dragon.Day.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264-iFPD

Dragon Day Movie Reviews

A very realistic invasion concept, slow pace, average acting. Decent film overall

Low budget films can flop if they start too slow, but this one has some pace. The story was very intelligent, not overly complicated. The plot was simple, believable and no obvious holes. The directing was very good, give Mr. Travis a real budget :). The acting was average to decent, except the wife (Wallander), who’s expressions at times left me confused to irritated. Maybe that’s what she was going for.

The best part of the movie is the concept and plot. I’m a fan of IT as well as lo-tech, and who doesn’t think about what you would do if things went sour. This has it all, and watching it you might learn a few things. It really makes you think.

Not wasted time at all, I was pleasantly surprised and would watch it again if friends ask.

Good low budget movie

What a great story. This movie has the storyline of a big budget movie. Definitely worth watching.

Now, I have to say that the acting was a bit spotty. It wasn’t uniformly great, but pretty good nonetheless. Largely, the problem with the acting was bad timing, and I don’t think that was the actor’s faults. There were scenes where the cinematography was a bit off and editing could have been better. The action scenes were a bit stifled and could have done with better choreography. There was definitely a place for some big action and explosions, but this movie (I’m assuming because of a constrained budget) didn’t go that route. But, again, overall a good movie. This is one of those low budget movies that could be really successfully remade into a blockbuster. That said, this movie stands head and shoulders above other low budget movies I’ve seen.

In short: Worth watching.

It’s still your money. You just can’t have it right now.

Duke (Ethan Flower) gets laid off from his NSA job. He moves into his grandfather’s mountain home, only to find out it is rented out to a Mexican (Eloy Méndez). About the same time the US defaults on our loan to China and the next thing you know, planes are dropping out of the sky. This is Y2K bug on steroids. Duke, with the help of an old time neighbor, (William Knight) work to survive against no TV, no phones, no new cars operational, and every man suddenly becomes a rapist.

As dad tries to save the world, mom (Åsa Wallander) whines he doesn’t spend enough time with his daughter (Hope Laubach). They run out of food about the same time his sister (Jenn Gotzon) announces… “the toilets are out of water!!!!”

The US falls into a police state with “citizens” wearing controlling wrist bands just like the preppers predicted. Americans freely side with the Chinese Communists….for a nifty red wrist band. Not as good as a Nokia concept phone, but hey, it makes the arm.

This is a low budget “Red Dawn” light, that has so many plot holes, the movie is ridiculous. At the end, during the most serious scene of the film, as Duke makes a hard decision, I was laughing at the MST quality.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. Off screen rape. No nudity.

Antikalpa (2023) Sat, 16 Mar 2024 08:35:13 +0000 Antikalpa (2023) Read More »


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720pweb871.36 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:CF797B11F2DE5673A3A4DD2BD5536C394BDCDED0
1080pweb1.58 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:1B212E6A9ADE885ABCBAB3733740504696EEF34E

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Antikalpa Movie Reviews

Evil Bong (2006) Sun, 25 Feb 2024 07:26:10 +0000 Evil Bong (2006) Read More »

  • Year: 2006
  • Released: 31 Oct 2006
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: Not Rated
  • Genre: Comedy, Horror
  • Runtime: 86 min
  • Writer: Charles Band, Domonic Muir
  • Director: Charles Band
  • Cast: David Weidoff, John Patrick Jordan, Mitch Eakins
  • Keywords: bong, drugs, demon, evil, soul transference, trapped soul,
38% – Critics
38% – Audience

Evil Bong Photos

Evil Bong Torrents Download

720pweb775.41 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:2BF4D0B40417AFC86DC9B7120EA56FD335403537
1080pweb1.41 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:5F68014A2C2D1FB09D8CDC38BBB3F5FFDB8E13D4

Evil Bong Subtitles Download

English subtitle Evil.Bong.2006.Remastered.1080p.WebRip.x264
Hebrew subtitle Evil.Bong.2006.DVDRip.XviD-aXXo

Evil Bong Movie Reviews


I left my wife because she didn’t want to watch this movie. Truly a blessing.

Evil Bong: Exactly what you’d expect it to be

Brought to you by Full Moon legend Charles Band the company takes on another character and have gone from killer puppets, a psychotic gingerbread man and decapitated shrunken heads to *Drumroll* an evil bong.

So a nerdy guy moves into a house with 3 stoners, when one orders a new bong that turns out to be possessed. If you take a hit she drags you into her world (Which is oddly a strip joint) and you’ll never wake up.

Now nobody can say I don’t watch some really weird films and Evil Bong is really up there. What a concept!

Clearly Full Moon had high hopes for this franchise as they really pulled the stops out, bringing in actors and prop characters from many of their other franchises such as the Gingerdeadman, Demonic Toys & Trancers. Somehow they even got horror icon Bill Moseley to do a cameo. Clearly it worked as the Evil Bong franchise is ongoing and presently stands at a whopping seven movies!

But is it any good? Well, no not really. Evil Bong is stupid in that it knows its stupid kind of way, sadly it’s simply not funny enough to pull it off. Even stoner icon (Thats a thing right?) Tommy Chong can’t turn things around and though the film isn’t bad it’s just not even remotely good either. Ironically this is the kind of movie I’d imagine would be better appreciated under certain “Influences”.

If you go into a movie about a killer bong with high expectations, you deserve to be disappointed!

The Good:

Loads of Full Moon movie characters/references

Certainly original

The Bad:

Lots of licensed music, trouble is it’s terrible

The structure of the film is awful, seriously a mess

Really bad.

This movie isn’t funny or good. I can’t believe there are six more of them.

The Forest (1982) Fri, 16 Feb 2024 05:55:17 +0000 The Forest (1982) Read More »

  • Year: 1982
  • Released: 11 Jun 1982
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: R
  • Genre: Horror, Thriller
  • Runtime: 85 min
  • Writer: Don Jones
  • Director: Don Jones
  • Cast: Dean Russell, Gary Kent, Tomi Barrett
  • Keywords: camping, knife, woods, murder, rampage, slasher,

The Forest Storyline

Two campers Sharon and Teddy are terrorized in the deep dark woods of the California wilderness by a cannibalistic knife-wielding madman. Teddy is killed but Sharon manages to escape. That same night their boyfriends, Steve and Charlie, take refuge in an old cave to protect themselves from the storm. There they meet the killer an old man wearing a beat up old baseball cap named John. He tells them the story of how he walked in on his unfaithful wife and her lover. He killed them both, and gathered his two children and ran off into the forest. Unfortunately, his kids got sick and they commited suicide. Since then, he has developed a taste for human flesh and will kill anybody who trespasses on his territory. The next morning, Charlie is drowned and prepared for the killer’s breakfast. He then goes looking for Sharon, who has, unbeknownst to him, teamed up with the ghosts of his two dead children. The maniac chases Sharon but just as he’s about to kill her his ghost kids save her. He runs off into the wilderness to find the wounded Steve, who has broken his leg. Can Sharon save her boyfriend in time?—blc

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The Forest Torrents Download

720pbluray788.22 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:F12896ACDE52A5DF09FB2657BCA02440F8525600
1080pbluray1.43 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:3945DCC4057116A52AA4CDDBCD851334B71B5DFA

The Forest Subtitles Download

The Forest Movie Reviews

A bizarre supernatural backwoods slasher.

The Forest starts off in standard backwoods horror fashion, with the murder of a couple hiking in the mountains, stabbed with a hunter’s knife by an unseen assailant. The action then cuts to two friends, Steve (Dean Russell) and Charlie (John Batis), as they discuss getting away from the daily grind — including their wives Sharon (Tomi Barrett) and Teddi (Ann Wilkinson) — by going on a lad’s camping trip. When their spouses hear of the men’s plans and also decide to go camping, the men scoff, making the women even more determined to assert their independence. The wives head out first, hiking to a remote spot, although they fully expect to be joined by their concerned husbands before nightfall – but will either of the women live that long with a crazed killer on the prowl?

While this all looks set to be a whole lot of brutal fun, the men and women fighting for their lives against the killer cannibal (as he is later revealed to be), writer/director Don Jones soon pulls the rug from under his viewer’s feet with the introduction of three rather unconventional characters: a ghost woman and her two spectral children. The woman is the cannibal man’s dead wife, who he murdered for her philandering ways, while his kids killed themselves after falling ill. All three spirits now wander the woods, the children helping the living to escape their flesh-eating father.

With corny echoing voices, pasty faces and twee outfits, the ghostly kids really detract from the horror, making the whole movie a rather laughable experience, even as the hikers are killed and cooked by the cannibal. The film is also lacking in gore, with only a fairly decent compound fracture and a slit throat looking as though any effort was made in this department. Light on scares, light on splatter, and heavy on the cheesy schmaltz (the ghostly moppets finding peace with their father after he is finally killed), The Forest is a disappointing oddity that, rather unsurprisingly, now wallows in obscurity.

Entertaining horror movie

No, this movie is not one of the best horror movies to come out of the eighties but it does have some great qualities. I found the storyline rather refreshing, it was different from any “in the forest” horror movie I’ve ever seen. And as cheesy as the soundtrack was, it still was interesting… but hey, I even like the cheese factor! I admit the beginning of the movie was pointless, but still, it was great to laugh at. I’d recommend this movie to any horror fan but you must also not expect too much from it, I mean, it’s no Halloween or Friday the 13th, but it is enjoyable. There were times I felt spooked and times I just wanted to laugh. A great combination!

Really bad slasher flick.

Some happy campers are stalked and viciously butchered by a demented cannibalistic killer called Daddy.”The Forest” is one of the strangest slasher flicks I have ever seen.It starts fairly competently,but quickly becomes boring and tedious.The opening murder scene of two backpackers in the California wilderness is quite suspenseful and gory.The acting is really bad and the script is not better.Still there is a lot of cheese for fans of slasher movies.Unfortunately the gore is kept to minimum,so gorehounds may be disappointed.The film features also the ghosts of two kids and their mother and I can safely say that this supernatural element adds some touches of originality to the plot.So if you are a fan of slasher films you can check this one out.However I prefer Donald M.Jones earlier horror film “Schoolgirls in Chains”(1973),which is way more demented than “The Forest”.

Mysteria (2011) Sat, 27 Jan 2024 10:59:35 +0000 Mysteria (2011) Read More »

  • Year: 2011
  • Released: 23 Oct 2011
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: Not Rated
  • Genre: Action, Drama, Mystery
  • Runtime: 98 min
  • Writer: Lucius C. Kuert
  • Director: Lucius C. Kuert
  • Cast: Robert Miano, Danny Glover, Martin Landau
  • Keywords:
22% – Critics
22% – Audience

Mysteria Photos

Mysteria Torrents Download

720pbluray865.07 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:C7DCF54D335D485037851C4FD62640C1CAA0577D
1080pbluray1.73 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:04795431B724C99D4D54797CA6203EEBEE885B33

Mysteria Subtitles Download

Arabic subtitle Mysteria.2011.720p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE
Arabic subtitle Mysteria.2011.480p.BRRip.XviD.AC3-Freebee
Danish subtitle Mysteria.2011.1080p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE
Danish subtitle Mysteria.2011.720p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE
English subtitle Mysteria.2011.720p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE.en
English subtitle Mysteria.2011.480p.BRRip.XviD.AC3-Freebee
English subtitle Mysteria.2011.DVDRip.AC3.XviD-SPK
English subtitle Mysteria 2011 Dvdrip Ac3 Xvid-Dracula
Finnish subtitle Mysteria.2011.1080p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE
Finnish subtitle Mysteria.2011.DVDRiP.XVID-TASTE
Finnish subtitle Mysteria.2011.1080p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE
Norwegian subtitle
Norwegian subtitle Mysteria.2011.1080p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE
Romanian subtitle Mysteria.2011.480p.BRRip.XviD.AC3-Freebee
Romanian subtitle Mysteria.2011.DVDRip.AC3.XviD-SPK
Swedish subtitle
Swedish subtitle Mysteria.2011.1080p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE

Mysteria Movie Reviews

Intriguing Low Budget Thriller

Washed-up former Hollywood screen writing bigshot Aleister Bain (Robert Miano) is living a sad existence in a seedy apartment, trying desperately to finish a script he is months behind on before his agent (Billy Zane) cuts off his funding. The arrival of a beautiful film student (Meadow Williams) coincides with Bain’s mixing up with the murder of the wife of a powerful Senator. Two cops (Danny Glover and Michael Rooker) separately try to get to the bottom of the mystery.

The cast draws you in to “Mysteria” and the plot keeps you interested. Miano is the star, and ably performs as a beat up, put down has-been who is thrust into a world that seems a perfect match for one of the scripts he was noted for writing in his past. The countless twists that come from arrivals of new characters keep Bain on his booze-soaked feet to find out what his connection is.

“Mysteria”‘s supporting cast is strong. Danny Glover whispers his way through hearing Bain’s story, while Michael Rooker proves his underrated worth as the tough Captain who has more mystery than he lets on. Meadow Williams is the weak spot, she tends to say her lines as if they were held up behind the camera. Academy Award winner Martin Landau has a couple of funny scenes as Miano’s elderly landlord.

Cinematography and design came together strongly to portray the grime of the setting, which was shot in Los Angeles but never said to be where the film took place. Strategic shots of an empty bottle of booze in the foreground while Bain continues his investigation serve as a recurring motif of what the film is making it’s main character out to be.

What keeps the film from a better score is a soundtrack that seemed perpetually off track. A large ensemble score didn’t match the interior shots of a grimy apartment. The script rambles a bit too often, especially at the beginning, and might lose some viewers who don’t get hooked in soon enough to see a far better second act.

Overall, “Mysteria” is an able, interesting low budget thriller that doesn’t disappoint but doesn’t really thrill, either.

It will make you think.

I rented this movie from the video store because I noticed Danny Glover was in it. I picked it up trusting I would not be disappointed. It also introduced me to the lovely Meadow Williams. Had I ignored this movie I might not have been made aware of her.

This movie will not “entertain” people in the way most desire a movie to do. It will make you think, then it will make you wonder, “What the heck just happened? What is going on?” About twenty minutes into the movie you won’t be certain if you are watching a movie, or a dream.

There were some things that struck me funny. The cab numbered 666 made me smile. Pay attention to the conversation inside the cab.

Then there is the suggestion our main character was murdered, but then we see him at the police station answering questions. Oh, and look for the watch that always shows midnight.

You will encounter a cop that accepts a drink while on duty, and a woman who pays the main characters rent which makes him a main suspect in her murder.

I think once in awhile everyone should watch a movie like this instead of the usual fare that always leaves you with a clear explanation and a nicely wrapped up ending.

In fact, I am chuckling as I write these words knowing someone who watches this movie is going to let out a yell in disgust at the ending. I can almost hear them saying, “That’s it? That’s the ending? What the hell kind of movie was that?” I actually laughed at the ending knowing it will mess with some people’s minds. You might not laugh when its over, but I guarantee it will stir your gray matter.

You need to have a sense of humor and a penchant for mystery to enjoy this movie. If not, don’t bother with it.

NEARLY brilliant. Certainly thought-provoking

OK. Well, to start with, Mike Rooker, who has p****d me off for DECADES with over-acting, and never quite making it, deserves a supporting Oscar in this. Yes, his script is good, but, at last, HE’s good.


The film is just, I dunno, not quite there. Too clever? Don’t get me wrong, I liked it, it left me guessing, but that’s just it. The back-story, the narrative in the writer’s/director’s mind, never quite made it to screen.

I’m left knowing I saw something good, something very good, but somehow, just a little, empty. Unresolved. And I’m not trying to say EVERYTHING should resolve – I mean, hey, I live in the UK – we can’t even get the weather right – but…. I liked the film (it’s gone from 7 to 8 while I wrote this, and the cinematography, script, acting, are all top notch…)

But then hey. I admired, and was irritated by Mulholland Drive. For similar reasons. Very similar. watch it. Definitely watch it. But don’t blame me if you get just a little bit lost when the credits roll.

Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn (1983) Sat, 27 Jan 2024 10:58:23 +0000 Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn (1983) Read More »


Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn Storyline

A seeker named Dogen rescues Dhyana after her father is murdered by the evil Jared-Syn. To avenge her father’s death, Dogen must find Jared-Syn’s hideout in the mysterious “Lost City”, but the only person who knows where it is an aging, burned-out seeker named Rhodes. Along the way, they will need to do battle against the hunter Baal and his Cyclopean minions for engaging Jared-Syn in a final encounter.—Jean-Marc Rocher

Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn Photos

Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn Torrents Download

720pbluray767 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:228DE24484D16120E3FCA17DD6AB7A20879E696E
1080pbluray1.54 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:F19B7B3A685257CA6C3C54A4F9B44CAC411E39AA

Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn Subtitles Download

English subtitle Metalstorm.The.Destruction.of.Jared-Syn.1983.720p.BluRay.x264-SADPANDA
English subtitle Metalstorm.The.Destruction.of.Jared-Syn.1983.720p.BluRay.x264-SADPANDA

Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn Movie Reviews

Acceptable low-budget sci-fi/action junk

The evil Jared-Syn (a perfectly slimy and hateful portrayal by Mike Preston) terrorizes the small desert planet of Lemuria by sucking the lifeforce out of folks with his storage crystals. It’s up to heroic ranger Dogan (stolid Jeffrey Byron) to stop the foul villain. While the basic premise offers a pretty cool blend of Western and science fiction elements complete with the inevitable gunslinger showdown in the middle of a tiny mining town and a fierce tribe of Cyclopean beings standing in for your usual savage Apaches, said nifty premise is undermined by Charles Band’s leaden direction, a plodding pace, Alan J. Adler’s murky script, and cut-rate (not so) special effects. Despite his three day stubble and funky rock star leather pants, Byron qualifies as a decidedly insipid protagonist who fails to elicit much sympathy from the viewer. Fortunately, Byron’s blandness is compensated for by nifty contributions from the always dependable Tim Thomerson as boozy, burnt-out ex-ranger Rhodes and the ever-imposing Richard Moll as tough one-eyed warrior leader Hurok. The lovely Kelly Preston as Dyana makes for a suitably plucky and fetching damsel in distress, veteran character actor Larry Pennell briefly pops up as Dyana’s grizzled miner father Aix, and R. David Smith is appropriately repellent as Jared-Syn’s vicious and hideously disfigured son Baal. Mac Alhberg’s rough, but fairly slick widescreen cinematography makes nice occasional use of strenuous slow motion, offers a few groovy psychedelic and atmospheric smoky visual flourishes, and shoots the dusty’n’desolate locations in an effectively gritty manner. Richard Band’s robust’n’rousing orchestral score works overtime to pump some energy into the generally limp proceedings. The action set pieces are competently done and reasonably exciting, but lack that extra zing to pack more of a powerful impact. A strictly passable time-waster.

Early 80s 3-D sci-fi with enough to keep your mind busy

Director Charles Band followed up PARASITE, his first successful foray into the 3-D world, with this futuristic action-adventure film. It is pretty obvious he is going for a mix of THE ROAD WARRIOR and STAR WARS, but I’m not entirely sure it is successful and at times comes off looking more like MEGAFORCE. The action is good though and the film moves at a quick clip. I’m sure the 3-D was pretty impressive in the theater as all sorts of objects are chucked at the screen. There is also one psychedelic, TRON-inspired bit during the end chase that probably had audiences puking dayglo in the aisles. The acting is good though for a b-movie with Thomerson doing his best Han Solo and Richard Moll showing up as a leader of a group of Cyclops. The film “ends” with the most laughable cliffhanger where Jared-Syn gets away (so the title lied!) and Dogen vows, “I’ll find him in another dimension one day.” Huh? Obviously Band was hoping this would be a series but poor box office returns from a Universal theatrical distribution vetoed that idea and he moved on to start Empire Pictures (which kicked off production with THE DUNGEONMASTER, again starring Byron). Now if only someone could tell me what the hell METALSTORM means.

I’m still waiting for that sequel, Mr. Band.

This is another one of those very first movies I ever rented as a kid. It was childish love at first site. Watched it numerous times back then. Is it actually a good movie? I think I’ll just plead the 5th on that one.

Having just re-watched it, I’ll just say right away: METALSTORM: THE DESTRUCTION OF JARED-SYN is a blast and offers lots of (unintentional) laughs. Just throw the following elements into a blender: Post-Apocalyptic (vehicles & mutants), STAR WARS: RETURN OF THE JEDI (speed-bikers), western (showdown), Swords & Sorcery (quest, fights, and sock-puppet sand-creatures), fantasy (magical crystals and other nonsense), cyborg (or a dude basically enhanced by various metal-parts, including an extendable metal grab-claw arm that spits toxic LSD) and psychedelia (warped gateways into other dimensions). Plus, Tim Thomerson and Richard Moll are in it. This simply is a wonderful film.

Well yes, I’m biased when it comes to early Charles Band outings. This isn’t really a good movie (Damn, I did say it, didn’t I?), but it’s very enjoyable, cheesy & nonsensical stuff. All things I listed up here really are featured in this film, albeit not exactly in quality incarnations, if you know what I mean. And the special effects are dated and look silly sometimes, but there’s enough of those in the film to keep you amused. Compared to other early Charles Band films, METALSTORM definitely is a bit crazier and more action-packed than PARASITE (the “good” film) and THE ALCHEMIST (the “lesser” film) and would – in my humble opinion – make a perfect double feature with THE DUNGEONMASTER (aka RAGEWAR), together making up for a super-duper special effects extravaganza night fest. And if you can’t get with that, you’re a bit of a sourpuss, I’m afraid.

Good, bad, stupid, fun? Who cares! These films were made with enthusiasm. The kind that rubs off. At least on me it does. Blame my rating on nostalgia.

Neighbor (2009) Sat, 27 Jan 2024 10:58:00 +0000 Neighbor (2009) Read More »

  • Year: 2009
  • Released: 04 Sep 2012
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: 1 win
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: R
  • Genre: Horror, Thriller
  • Runtime: 90 min
  • Writer: Robert A. Masciantonio
  • Director: Robert A. Masciantonio
  • Cast: America Olivo, Christian Campbell, Joseph Aniska
  • Keywords: amputation, torture, electrocution, needle,

Neighbor Photos

Neighbor Torrents Download

720pbluray757.68 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:91C2006BAEEAC7334CF3B7DAF55F2FEE3925BC83
1080pbluray1.52 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:131EC5250AB2CA3E177282DEDD598CB89FC090C4

Neighbor Subtitles Download

Arabic subtitle Neighbor.UNRATED.2009.DVDRip.XviD.AC3-LEGi0N
Arabic subtitle Neighbor.UNRATED.2009.DVDRip.XviD.AC3-LEGi0N
Dutch subtitle Neighbor.2009.UNRATED.DVDRip.XVID-lOVE
English subtitle Neighbor.UNRATED.2009.DVDRip.XviD.AC3-LEGi0N
English subtitle Neighbor.UNCUT.2009.1080p.BluRay.x264-LiViDiTY-Eng
English subtitle Neighbor.2009.UNRATED.DVDRip.XVID-lOVE
English subtitle Neighbor.2009.DVDRiP.XviD-QCF
Finnish subtitle Neighbor.2009.UNNRATED.DVDRip.XviD.AC3-LEGi0N
Indonesian subtitle
Indonesian subtitle Neighbor 2009 Unrated Directors Cut DVDRip
Italian subtitle Neighbor UNCUT 2009 720p BluRay x264 LiViDiTY
Spanish subtitle Neighbor.2009.UNRATED.DVDRip.XVID-lOVE

Neighbor Movie Reviews

An utterly random movie surfing the torture porn wave

Wow, I have to say that I haven’t seen such a random movie for a while. “Neighbor” … and here it starts, even the title of the movie makes no sense with the “plot” of it. Everybody read the synopsis so I won’t get into it… there is nothing more to say about what goes on here except they spiced it up with a non-linear chaotic time-line that suggests a deeper meaning but when the credits roll you will yell at the screen about the plain stupidity of it all.

So what are the major letdowns? There is no character development whatsoever, the main villain is not explained except for some shallow sidelines that suggest she experienced something bad (duh!). The female lead overacts like hell, scenes are mashed together randomly and we never learn why the hell she is shortly portrayed as some kind of a nurse just to turn into a waitress the next moment and then become a rock chick with leather skirts and boots that she lends from a guys house. The “posh” neighborhood is portrayed inconsistently, the torture scenes are just there to reel the Hostel/SAW fans in and whats most despicable of all that the movie tries to be smart and funny with some movie quotes and lame jokes while the overall tone of the movie just doesn’t fit with this element.

Why is the girl obsessed with the guy, why does she shed one tear, what about her notebook that is strongly accented in the beginning and then dropped on the sidelines, why is that ridiculous acid face burn (worst Special FX in the movie BTW) inserted with some ghost visions just to get dropped as well. The script is a mess, visuals and actors are OK…. but this is one of the most obvious signs lately that this torture movie hype needs to end.

Rather dull torture themed flick that tries to be too clever and fails.

An unnamed psycho chick (America Olivo)breaks into the homes of suburbia, subjecting the inhabitants to horrific degrees of torture. She soon has her eye on likable guy Don, (Christian Campell)who is planning on hosting a party with his friends. However, his plans are interrupted in a bad way when our anti heroine pays him a call. Will he survive what she has in store for him? Or will his tormentor be hosting a party of her own?

I caught this at the Edinburgh Fabfest, and when the producer introduces an honest to god doctor to warn patrons of a film’s content, I couldn’t help but suspect a cheap gimmick, and unfortunately, I wasn’t wrong either.

Apart from some very impressive FX and set pieces, (and one scene in particular is guaranteed a reaction from guys and will be the talking point of the film), there’s really nothing new to see here at all.

It attempts to make use of a disastrous time slip plot device which fails miserably, and will have you scratching your head as it’s ultimately meaningless, and appears to be an attempt to give the film some gravitas, which it doesn’t have, because ultimately, the film doesn’t really go anywhere, and has no particular plot to it.

However, fans of extreme horror for the sake of it, who may have liked Grotesque for example, or who are fans of set pieces, could do a lot worse here though, as the film definitely doesn’t shy away from extreme content, shows an absolute willingness to push the envelope, and again,is technically brilliant in its execution.

The film overall however, is a pretty unremarkable and ultimately disappointing affair, which is a pity, as it potentially could have been great.

There are no words to describe how awful this is

The fact there is the word “awful” next to the one when you choose it here is about as apropos as it gets.

This was bad. It makes Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 look like Citizen Kane and that is no exaggeration, my friends. Sometimes you come across a movie so poorly executed, you sit there mouth agape wondering if it’s real. The fact that someone actually wrote what was saw on the screen down, in English, boggles the mind. Even the actors had to be giggling at how bad it was, not that these people are going to get a lot of work with the level of skill displayed (although it’s not like they had a lot to work with) – but the lead guy, he was just terrible and he’s supposed to be the brother of Neve Campbell. Well, Martin Sheen and Patrick Swayze have a bad actor brothers too, so there you go.

The guy who directed this mess should be punished. He should be locked in a room and forced to watch it over and over and over for a week straight. He should be arrested and fined and banned from ever directing anything ever again.

And for you wannabe filmmakers, take note. This is exactly what you do not do. If you want to make a movie, make sure there’s a story. Make your characters three dimensional and work on your dialog. Just having a bunch of gore with no real story does not make an entertaining film. Learn how to direct a film keeping in mind the viewpoint of the people watching (this guy sure didn’t).

Luckily we didn’t have to pay to see this waste of a DVD and I honestly feel sorry for anyone who was duped into thinking this was an entertaining movie and forking out whatever money you had to pay (even a dollar is a rip-off).

I like to write letters for stuff that is really good or really bad (this being the latter) and the only place I can think of complaining is Lionsgate. Yeah, Lionsgate? Have they scraped the bottom of the barrel or what?

The Minion (1998) Sat, 20 Jan 2024 09:45:22 +0000 The Minion (1998) Read More »

  • Year: 1998
  • Released: 26 Sep 1998
  • Country: United States, Canada
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: R
  • Genre: Action, Fantasy, Horror
  • Runtime: 95 min
  • Writer: Matt Roe, Avi Nesher
  • Director: Jean-Marc Piché
  • Cast: Dolph Lundgren, Françoise Robertson, Roc Lafortune
  • Keywords:
15% – Critics
15% – Audience

The Minion Storyline

New York, Christmas Eve, 1999 – at the dawn of the new millennium – a subway construction crew unearths an eight-hundred-year-old Celtic skeleton and a mysterious key. Archeologist Karen Goodleaf is called in to determine the meaning of the discovery. News of the discovery reaches a Middle East monastery where the warrior monks known as the Knights Templer – an ancient sect entrusted with protecting holy relics – choose their best pupil, Lukas (Dolph Lundgren) to face the diabolical threat. As Lukas races to New York, an evil Minion seizes Karen and uses its body like a parasite and host. Lukas arrives just in time to rescue Karen and dispatch the Minion. The Minion takes hold of another host – revealing that it is immortal. As it cuts a path of destruction through the city, decimating a parking garage and leaving a trail of death, Karen realizes that the Minion can’t be killed – but only delayed from finding a new host.—anonymous

The Minion Photos

The Minion Torrents Download

720pbluray881.26 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:BD78C832F3D27EC3B02804889F040FA480AB18E4
1080pbluray1.6 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:E5C35D9B9716F348AF544B7121AD4039406F784C

The Minion Subtitles Download

Arabic subtitle The.Minion.1998.720p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG
Arabic subtitle The.Minion.1998.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG
English subtitle The.Minion.1998.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-FGT
English subtitle The Minion 1998 720p AMZN.WEB-DL.DD2.0.H.264-NTG 4133Kbps 01.35.47 2.97GB
English subtitle Fallen Knight 1998 720p BluRay.DD2.0.x264-oindividuo-ptp 7609Kbps 01.35.47 5.63GB
Romanian subtitle The Minion 1998 720p AMZN.WEB-DL.DD2.0.H.264-NTG 4133Kbps 01.35.47 2.97GB
Romanian subtitle Fallen Knight 1998 720p BluRay.DD2.0.x264-oindividuo-ptp 7609Kbps 01.35.47 5.63GB

The Minion Movie Reviews

It may not be one of Dolph’s shining moments, but The Minion really isn’t all that bad.

When archaeologist Karen Goodleaf (Robertson) goes to investigate a burial site found underneath New York City, she gets way more than she bargained for. Among the relics is an ancient key. This key just happens to unlock the hiding place of “The Minion”, a devil or demon of some sort. Luckily, Lukas (Dolph), is sent from a monastery in Jerusalem to help recover the key before it falls into the wrong hands. As it turns out, Lukas is a direct descendant of The Templars, and his “warrior priest” status helps Karen fend off the powers of The Minion, whose spirit can inhabit the bodies of others. What will happen to the mysterious key? The Minion has some noteworthy ideas, such as modern-day Templars, and the dialogue is fairly interesting, or at least attempts to be. For example, The Minion has the ability to turn you into a were-minion. So many DTV movies seem like they’re not even trying. Say what you will about The Minion, you could tell the filmmakers were at least putting forth some effort into delivering a product with some worthwhile thought put into it. The dialogue to convey said ideas is delivered convincingly by Dolph, who must have chosen this role because it’s a bit different than what he’s usually known for (or he was hitting a rough patch in his career and had no other option but to go to Canada and shoot this).

Now while there are historical references (among plenty of mumbo-jumbo, of course) – the film borrows heavily from such contemporary movies as The Relic (1997), but crosses it with C.H.U.D. (1984), of all things. Dolph can only stop the evil with a huge spiked glove, highly reminiscent of The Glove (1979). But it’s one of the cooler aspects of this movie nonetheless. Actually, an entire movie could – nay – MUST be made of Dolph fighting more baddies and punks with a spiked glove. Come to think of it, forget all this mystical demon noise. Dolph and “The Glove” forever! Who’s with us? Anyway, add in a demon in some kind of supernatural prison, and Dolph as the most badass dude to wear a white Priest’s collar, and you have a decently entertaining Dolph vehicle, despite its flaws.

It may not be one of Dolph’s shining moments, but The Minion really isn’t all that bad. It’s a good one-time watch.

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Lazily made passable filmaking

The Minion is about… well, a minion. A servant of Satan and whose goal is to get the key that will unlock the door where his master is trapped. He is some sort of demon who possess human beings and when the body dies will possess another. Anyone who happens to be possessed will go on some berserker rage. Dolph Lundgren plays Lukas, a member of a secret order of Templars, who is tasked to keep the key away from the minion. The movie begins a thousand years ago, in the Middle East where a couple of knight templars flee from the minion. Then flash forward to 1999, where the key winds up somewhere underground in New York. An archeologist is assigned to study/dig the place where the key was found. Needless to say, the minion is after the key, and the movie becomes a long winded chase scene between the minion and Lukas and archeologist.

The movie, is just that, a low budget B-movie flick. The movie lacks energy, and just trods along. You’ll follow the chase but you won’t ever feel involved in the story which willfully takes ideas from previous movies (especially The Terminator films). The fight scenes with the minion is troublesome, in that you never get the sense of how good or how bad a warrior this demon is. It “skillfully” becomes a one-man army when fighting a squad of templars but sucks when it comes to one-on one. And it’s supposed to be around for a long time. All this goes to show that any sense of logic is just thrown down the drain for convenience. The whole idea of a secret order of Templars, a door to hell, and the key isn’t well explained. We are merely to accept that they just exist. The movie seems to have been made with the feeling there’s not much potential to the story but only enough to make a few bucks. Dolph Lundgren sure looks like he wish he were somewhere else.

The verdict: 2 of 5 stars.

Poor attempt

THE MINION is a very poor B-movie spin on a theme popular during the last years of the 1990s, namely demonic possession and end-of-the-world religious mumbo-jumbo. Schwarzenegger’s apocalyptic END OF DAYS is the best known of this genre, but that came later; THE MINION’s main source of inspiration is the underrated Denzel Washington flick FALLEN, as it borrows that film’s figure-hopping demon. Sadly, this is a much lesser production, a Canadian movie made by people who have no idea how to insert tension, thrills and horror into their production. It’s cheesy throughout, overacted by an unrestained cast, and the whole thing is a disappointment. Dolph Lundgren’s stoic hero deserves better.

Wicked Stepmother (1989) Fri, 12 Jan 2024 12:50:23 +0000 Wicked Stepmother (1989) Read More »

  • Year: 1989
  • Released: 03 Feb 1989
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: 1 nomination
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: Japanese, English, Italian
  • MPA Rating: PG-13
  • Genre: Comedy, Fantasy
  • Runtime: 90 min
  • Writer: Larry Cohen
  • Director: Larry Cohen
  • Cast: Bette Davis, Barbara Carrera, Colleen Camp
  • Keywords: witch, rescue, beach, magic, tiger, cat,
19% – Critics
19% – Audience

Wicked Stepmother Storyline

A mother/daughter pair of witches descend on a yuppie family’s home and cause havoc, one at a time since they share one body, and the other must live in a cat the rest of the time. Now it’s up to the family’s mother, a private detective and a suspended police officer to try and stop the witches.—edited by Rob

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Wicked Stepmother Torrents Download

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Wicked Stepmother Subtitles Download

Wicked Stepmother Movie Reviews

About the quality you’d expect for a bad quality made for TV movie on Nickelodeon or The Disney Channel….at best.

When an annoyingly controlling and stupid woman comes home with her husband from vacation, they discover her father (Lionel Stander) married to a somewhat disagreeable woman (Bette Davis). However, the daughter is so disagreeable and annoying, the viewer will likely tend to enjoy how miserable she is with the new step-mother. However, soon after this the old lady disappears–in the guise of sexy Barbara Carrera. What’s next? Who cares?!

“Wicked Stepmother” is a truly god-awful film. Sadly, it was also Bette Davis’ last film and I sure would have liked to have seen this great actress go out on a high note…not this turkey!

Whether or not the story is true that Davis walked off the set and refused to return because the script was THAT bad, I am very inclined to believe it because the film is horribly written. Part of this could be because the ‘clever filmmakers’ decided to use what little footage they had of Davis and then re-write the film around that in order to hide her disappearance from the script. But considering how clumsy and stupid it all is, I think they did a lousy job in hiding it!! Clearly the writers they employed were about 6 to 7 years-old!

The film itself is in many ways reminiscent of a film made for the Disney Channel or Nickelodeon. After all, the script is clearly something little kids might like and adults with at least a 70 IQ would hate. Oddly, however, it’s really NOT a great film for kid because there are many, many sexual references and sexual situations you wouldn’t want your kids to see. Overall, a terrible film…one of the worst of Davis’ otherwise wonderful career.

I should note that late in life, Davis appeared in quite a few questionable roles–roles other famous actresses probably would have refused. She claimed she needed the money…but badly enough to appear in crap like this film, “Murder With Mirrors” and “Bunny O’Hare”?! Ironically, her arch-rival, Joan Crawford, did exactly the same–appearing in tons of terrible movies late in life (“Trog” is the most egregious example).

Goodbye, Ms. Davis

Did you know that Larry Cohen wrote, produced and directed the last film Bette Davis was ever in? No? Well, she dropped out after filming began, citing issues with the script and how she was being photographed, but Cohen claims that it was due to her ill health. Regardless, the results are…interesting.

Davis plays the title villain, a chain-smoking witch (Becca sees her as the hero of the story) who marries Sam (Lionel Stander, Max from Hart to Hart) while his vegetarian family – daughter Jenny (Colleen Camp, the maid from Clue) and husband Steve (David Rasche from Sledge Hammer!) – are on vacation.

When Davis left the film, her character becomes a cat and her daughter Priscilla (Barbara Carrera, Never Say Never Again, Condorman) takes over as the film’s villain. She mostly argues with her other about switching bodies and sleeping with Steve.

People get shrunk, Tom Bosley, Seymour Cassel and Richard Moll (remember, all 80’s horror and science fiction must have either him or Robert England in it) show up and there’s a crazy moment where Jenny discusses how much she misses her mother and they show a photo of Joan Crawford!

This is…well, it’s weird. You can tell the movie fell apart when Davis left days into filming for a dentist visit and never came back. Her ADR was all done by Michael Greer (Thorn from Messiah of Evil!), who was an accomplished female impersonator. What a strange film!

Two Valedictories

Probably had Bette Davis been in better health and actually finished the film as planned Wicked Stepmother might have been a reasonably good black comedy about the occult. As it was with her walking out of the film for reasons of health I suspect we get both an incoherent story and only about 15 minutes of Bette Davis.

As it was she could have and should have took her final cinema curtain call with the wonderful Whales Of August. It’s not as bad a valedictory as Cuban Rebel Girl with her old fellow Warner Brothers player Errol Flynn, but it’s still a mess. And Bette looked positively terrible in her scenes.

Detective Tom Bosley is on the trail of a witch who ingratiates herself in a family, loots it and then does something to them for her amusement. In the case Bosley is on they’re turned into puppetoons and are found in a shoe box.

His quarry has moved on to another family and vacationing Colleen Camp and David Rasche come home and find that her father Lionel Stander is now married again to Bette Davis. Things start happening to all of them even their son Shawn Donohue as the witch switches back and forth from Davis to Barbara Carrera with Stander not noticing or figuring how lucky can an old guy get. Camp sees her family being torn away from her and she’s not taking it lying down.

Not only is this Bette Davis’s farewell to the big screen, but also Evelyn Keyes who plays the owner of a shop on the occult who gives lessons in magic. Both Camp and Bosley get a crash course.

Wicked Stepmother is funny in spots and the climax is nicely done, but maybe if some insurmountable problems hadn’t occurred we might have seen a better film.

Incense for the Damned (1971) Sat, 06 Jan 2024 03:54:03 +0000 Incense for the Damned (1971) Read More »


Incense for the Damned Storyline

Richard Fountain [Patrick Mower], Oxford University’s authority on Greek mythology, is in Greece researching Minoan rites when word comes back that Fountain has become chummy with people involved in drugs, orgiastic rituals, and possibly a rash of murders. Since Richard is the son of an English foreign secretary and the almost-fiancé of Penelope Goodrich [Madeline Hind], daughter of Lancaster College’s provost, Walter Goodrich [Peter Cushing], Investigator Tony Seymour [Alex Davion] has been summoned to find Richard and bring him back to England. Tony leaves immediately for Greece, accompanied by Richard’s almost-fiance, his student Bob Kirby [Johnny Sekka], and Major Derek Longboy [Patrick McNee] of the British Attache. About the only thing that is known about Richard’s status is that he left England a virgin and, much to Penelope’s dismay, he’s taken up with a woman named Chriseis Konstantanini [Imogen Hassal].Tony sends a telegram to Richard’s villa in Mykonos, advising him of their arrival on Thursday, but Richard apparently does not wish to see them, as he immediately vacates the premises, sending his “saviors” on a wild goose chase to find him. All they have to go on is a note found in Richard’s room, in which he mentions the city of Hydra. They contact Colonel Stavros [David Lodge] of Greek Intelligence for help. Stavros places a helicopter at their disposal, and they fly to Hydra, then take a land rover to the Monastery of the Blood of Christ. There, the abbot admits to having recently treated Richard for an ancient sickness having “to do with the blood.” Unfortunately, Richard is no longer at the monastery. Those who brought him have carried him off again in the direction of a nearby fort.While they are interviewing the abbot, Penelope begins to feel ill. They write it off as too much wine and sun but decide to leave her behind at the monastery while they follow the mule trail up the mountain to the fort. When they arrive, they find that they have stumbled on the beginnings of a ritual. Chriseis and her followers escape, taking the mules. Richard is there, too, but he is in some sort of trance. Without the mules, the search party is forced to remain the night, intending for Derek to return to the monastery early the next morning and get Penelope off the island while Tony and Bob attempt to carry Richard down the mountain and back to the monastery.During the night, Richard comes out of the trance. He admits to still being a virgin but explains that Chriseis’ influence over him is very strong. Even now, they must watch out for her, he says, as Chriseis will be back. The next morning, Richard is still too weak to travel, so the plan changes such that Derek will have to bring in the helicopter in order to transport Richard. Richard refuses to allow Derek to leave. He requests that they first carry him outside. There, he shouts a prayer to the gods, asking for protection for Derek and the others. As a sign, Richard sees an eagle swooping. Based on the number of the swoops, Richard predicts that one of their party will die before they can get back to Hydra.Derek makes it down the mountain okay and sees Penelope off at the dock. Unfortunately, on the way down he was seen by Chriseis who, seeing Derek leaving, is making her way back to the fort. Derek is not far behind and trying to catch up with her. Chriseis starts a rockslide, which knocks Derek over a cliff. Hanging on for dear life, Derek screams loudly. Tony and Bob rush to his aid, leaving Richard alone in the fort. Chriseis takes this moment to slip in and drink Richard’s blood. When Tony and Bob sense her presence, Bob goes back to help Richard, while Tony tries unsuccessfully to pull Derek back over the cliff. Bob and Chriseis struggle, but Chriseis falls down a flight of stairs and appears to be dead. Bob attempts to put a cane through her heart, but Tony stops him before it turns from an accident into a murder.Richard, Bob, and Tony return to England, where Richard takes up his studies again at Oxford and marries Penelope. But the pressures placed on him by Provost Goodrich cause Richard to remain impotent and to revive memories of Chriseis. Bob senses that Richard is backsliding and sends for Tony’s help. Tony arrives on the day of Richard’s address at Lancaster College’s quincentenary dinner. After the opening prayers and while the quests dine on the traditional boar’s head and peacock with feathers, Richard begins to deliver his welcome-back speech. He winds up causing a riot when he accuses the academic world of “leeching on” and “possessing” the minds, souls, and bodies of the academics as well as their students. He points to all the “smooth deceivers” dressed in their scarlet gowns, and fingers Goodrich as the worst of all.While the academics compose themselves, Richard leads Penelope to his office where he is finally able to experience sexual freedom by ripping off her bodice and drinking blood from her neck. Tony and Bob break Richard away from Penelope’s neck. Richard attempts to flee over the rooftops but goes skittering off, impaling himself on the wrought iron fence below. Provost Goodrich tearfully pronounces their deaths as due to “suicide”, but Bob and Tony complete the act by driving stakes through Richard and Penelope’s hearts. [Original Synopsis by bj_kuehl.]

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Incense for the Damned Torrents Download

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Incense for the Damned Subtitles Download

Incense for the Damned Movie Reviews

A Good Piece of Advice

Two other reviewers have already made clear that this film is bad. I am not going to discourage that line of thought in any way. It is a muddled, worthless, boring film about some British scholar going off to Greece, because he is impotent and then turning into some type of vampire. The link is that vampirism is some kind of sexual deviation that relieves impotentcy. Hmmmm. The plot makes little sense. The editing, as mentioned previously, is a hatchet job. It looks like the presbiopic six(or seven?)got hold of it and put it together. Patrick Macnee supposedly is the star. He dies half-way through the film. The rest of the cast aimlessly wander through the film with little motivation and even less ability. Peter Cushing has so small a role as to have little bearing on the film’s plot or feel. He is adequate but really has nothing to do with his role. The one lone bright performing spotlight comes from Edward Woodward in a five minute cameo as a scholar of mankind that knows something about vampirism. Woodward injects the only humour and wit the film has. More than half of the film takes place in Greece and the settings are not splendid or breathtaking but rather very tiring and weedy. Watching Macnee chase a beautiful Grecian woman(played with beauty if nothing else by Imogen Hassall)while astride a jack-ass was more Grecian scenery than I personally needed. Really and truly…an awful film!

Average horror film with secondary roles for Cushing , Woodward and Mcnee

The picture concerns about a bunch of friends ( Patrick Mcnee , Johnny Sekka..) , as they are looking for a English young student (Patrick Mower) who is seduced into an old cult carried out by a beautiful vampire (Imogen Stubbs) and being disappeared while was researching in a Greek island . There happens various unsolved killings and the police blame him as perpetrator of the creepy murders but his friends and the fiancée whose daddy is the University Principal (Peter Cushing) no believing his culpability but is spelled by a blood-sucking vampire .

It’s a mediocre British terror film with suspense , action and vampires but a little bit boring and slow-moving . However , it contains some spectacular and glimmer Greeks outdoors , besides set on Oxford University . Patrick McNee ( Avengers) interprets smartly , as always . The great Peter Cushing plays correctly the starring’s dad but his acting is secondary , also Edward Woodward (The wicker man) acts in a minimum role . Patrick Mower (Devil rides out)as charmed young is good and Johnny Sekka (Naked prey) in a quite secondary role is nice . The movie is regularly directed by Robert Hatford Davies , author of some other Horror film as ¨Corruption¨ (with Peter Cushing) , ¨The Fiend¨ (with Patrick McNee) and Blaxploitation movies as ¨Black Gunn¨ (Jim Brown) and ¨ The Take¨ (Billy Dee Williams) . This director due to disagreements with producers signed the film as Michael Burrows and the motion picture was shelved during years until its cinematic exhibition.

So much potential…yet so very incoherent.

I’ll be a little less harsh than my fellow reviewers here, who all seem to agree that this `Incense for the Damned’ is a giant waste of time, effort and film. I can’t deny this is a failure in all viewpoints but I’m deeply convinced that the story’s potential, along with the talent of the cast, could have resulted in a much better film. Although the screenplay remains faithful to Simon Raven’s novel, the film completely lacks feeling and coherence. Small aspects, like the annoying use of voice-over, ruin the horror atmosphere and the occult-aspects are dreadfully overstressed. There’s a drug trance/ sexual ecstasy sequence near the beginning of the film and it takes WAY too long! Even Imogen `the Queen of Cleavage’ Hassall doesn’t manage to keep you fascinated during this tedious scene.

But I still stand by my idea that the messy `Bloodsuckers’ (the more appealing a.k.a of the film) contains several neat moments of clarity! Like a brief appearance by Edward Woodward, giving us a little insight on the unusual and slightly perverted sexual fantasies of humans… Or Desmond Dickinson’s brilliant camerawork on location in Greece. I might even say that the entire substance of the story is excellent horror matter! Richard, a young and respected Oxford student has disappeared in Greece and a group of friends, including his girl, go on a search for him. Richard seems to be under the influence of a beautiful, sexy vampire who even forces him to perform sado-masochism. Believing they annihilated the ravishing bloodsucker, the return to Britain. Yet, Richard’s behavior when back at Oxford remains bizarre and alarming… The plot is promising enough, no? If `Incense for the Damned’ would have been directed by Roman Polanski, I might have enjoyed a classic status by now. Erotic morbidity is definitely more his field! Or, who knows, in the hands of Italian mastermind Mario Bava this could have been one of the greatest horror masterpieces ever. Instead Robert Hartford-Davis directed it and the only appreciation he gets is when people hear he took his name off of this project afterwards. Better luck next time.

Shank (2010) Sat, 06 Jan 2024 03:52:48 +0000 Shank (2010) Read More »

  • Year: 2010
  • Released: 26 Mar 2010
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: Unrated
  • Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime
  • Runtime: 90 min
  • Writer: Paul Van Carter
  • Director: Mo Ali
  • Cast: Kedar Williams-Stirling, Adam Deacon, Ashley Thomas
  • Keywords:
9% – Critics
32% – Audience

Shank Storyline

Set in a dystopic future London in 2015, where society has fallen apart, gangs have taken over and the economy is in complete anarchy. The story follows Junior and his older brother, Rager, who are in charge of a local gang, “The Paper Chaserz”. They try to stay out of trouble and refuse to kill as part of their ‘moral code’, which is especially enforced by the strong but defensive Rager. Rager leads his gang, “The Paper Chaserz” and they plan to steal goods out of a local van. The robbery is successful, but a rival gang called The Soldiers, who are notorious and bloodthirsty in trying to take-over all other postcodes in the London area, attempt a theft. The “Paper Chaserz” escape, except for Junior who is stranded and cornered by The Soldiers. Rager reappears and saves his brother by beating all the rival gang members, telling Junior to leave. As Junior flees, Rager is attacked by the crews leader Tugz, who stabs Rager in the back multiple times. Junior now teams up with the rest of his gang to get revenge on The Soldiers. The gang meets a trio of girls named Ree Ree, Tash, and Little Lexy, who agree to help them as they also have a reason to get revenge against Tugz.—Sandeep Shetty

Shank Photos

Shank Torrents Download

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Shank Subtitles Download

Shank Movie Reviews

A great movie to walk out to.

Walking out of a film half an hour before the end is a gesture I used to abhor. No matter how rancid a film appears to be, you should always see it through once you’ve started. Otherwise you’re not quite in a position to properly criticise it.

I’ve changed my mind innit. Shank was profoundly unwatchable. I saw it in a theatre with maybe another 50 people; I could hear sighs and groans coming from all directions throughout the picture. Every macho posture, every tedious shouting match, every useless camera jerk, every inept stylistic manoeuvre seemed to audibly destroy a part of someone in there. Myself included, which is why I got the hell outta there.

I haven’t seen Bullet Boy or Kidulthood, two other London-set youth violence epics which apparently bear a resemblance to this dirge, so I cannot compare them. I can only say that Shank is a stain on the good name of film. It consists of scene after scene of fantastically unappealing teen anti-heroes yelling at each other in grimy surroundings, punctuated by the occasional flashy chase scene or, in one instance, a dogfight captured in outdated computer graphics. Despite the digitally-enhanced nature of this scene, we don’t actually see the dogs fighting, just about 5 minutes of close-ups of the deliriously screaming spectators – the film actually goes out of its way to be boring and repetitive; I simply cannot believe that this was an accident or oversight.

I kinda have a thing for Kaya Scodelario, and the promise of her presence may have been the deciding factor in making me go to see this mush. But she couldn’t save it for me; she didn’t even show up until the film had battered me senseless for over an hour, and by then I had already accepted that the useless script wasn’t gonna give her a chance to display the spunk and sex appeal she delivered in Skins. This useless film wouldn’t even let Kaya be spunky and sexy! I walked out shortly after she showed up, when it became clear she was there only for the lead actors to harass her a little bit.

I’m pretty much finished now. Thank you for reading. And please don’t give the makers of Shank any of your hard-earned, or even hard-benefited cash. They must learn to try harder.

Posturing rip-off

With an opening sequence copied from DISTRICT 13 and an entire storyline and setting copied from KIDULTHOOD, there’s nothing remotely original about SHANK. It juts and jumps all over the place, telling a storyline of revenge and brotherhood that’s been done to death a zillion times already. It makes you feel like this particular genre of gritty, London-set gangster film is dead in the water, although a film came along a year later that proved there was still life in the genre yet: I’m talking about 2011’s ATTACK THE BLOCK, of course.

Sadly, SHANK is nothing like ATTACK THE BLOCK. The script is dead-headed stupid, the characters clichéd and the frenzied editing actually nausea-inducing. The obnoxious leading characters are repulsive in the extreme and their quest to undertake revenge seems to go absolutely nowhere; by the time the film ends, absolutely nothing has happened to any of them. There are no character arcs whatsoever.

I don’t know what’s worse, actually: Paul Van Carter’s wannabe-hip script or Mo Ali’s drug-addled direction. Put together they provide a nauseating example of all that’s wrong with British cinema when a successful film comes along and the inevitable rip-offs follow.

Rubbish Kidulthood Rip Off

Menhaj Huda & Noel Clarke have a lot to answer for because without the success of their 2006 film Kidulthood this piece of crap would never had seen the light of day.

The worst thing is we’ll be seeing a lot more of this kind of thing as people – I don’t know who – are paying to see this, having opened to Top Ten Box-Office in its first week.

I guess I was warned in the opening credits of this film it wouldn’t amount to much. How so, well, it features a man taking a dump in the street and thats how I felt having sat through all 90 Minutes.

What I’d like to know is what the likes of Colin Salmon & Robbie Gee were thinking to be associated with this.

Set in a future London that looks a lot like, well, the city today. I’m guessing its supposed to say something about “Urban” life & the street. Ya get me!!

The film I assume is trying to tell the viewer that violence is bad however everything it says the opposite. A dog fight played out as a video game & theft is alright as long as its for your “Fam”. Even the climatic fight at the films end is botched cop out.

As I said before we are going to see a lot more of this kind of thing before we see any decent Urban set films.

Don’t bother to pay good money to see this don’t even get it on DVD. Wait to it shown on TV hopefully at about 1am on a cold Wednesday night.

Absolutely rubbish.

Ring of Desire (2021) Sat, 30 Dec 2023 08:36:01 +0000 Ring of Desire (2021) Read More »

  • Year: 2021
  • Released: 05 Apr 2021
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: 4 wins & 1 nomination
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: N/A
  • Genre: Horror, Thriller
  • Runtime: 1 min
  • Writer: Rolfe Kanefsky, J.R. Parz
  • Director: Ronnie Nanos
  • Cast: Felissa Rose, Julie Anne Prescott, Mindy Gilkerson
  • Keywords: eroticism, sensuality, ring, lesbian kiss,

Ring of Desire Photos

Ring of Desire Torrents Download

720pweb783.87 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:AB6D784EF710A0CF323C44A0DFD2184E9C02B7D4
1080pweb1.42 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:8AAB2944F9B991EF972235FC00C9CB4F82EA8B65

Ring of Desire Subtitles Download

Ring of Desire Movie Reviews

Good for a Laugh

Invite all your friends, and have a rollicking good time portraying your favorite film-lampooning cinephiles with Ring of Desire. The plot is entertainingly improbable, the dialogue (that which is audible) flimsy, and the production values on par with your family’s recording of Christmas morning 1996. The fact that some of the actors manage to deliver respectable performances is a testament to their apparent talent or their very good luck. The burlesque-inspired, yet chaste, sex scenes were utterly bizarre- the ring-inhabiting actresses reminded me of strange cats.

Overall, Ring of Desire is a movie that delivers in entertainment value if you know what you’re getting yourself into: a just-for-fun home video that’ll give you and your friends a good laugh.

To quote Bart Simpson I didn’t think it was physically possible, but this both sucks and blows.

My wife and I heard someone from our city directed this. We watched it. This movie is horrible. I had thought about it for a couple of days, and could not think of a worst movie. This is the worst movie I have ever seen. Even worst than Manos Hands Of Fate. The acting is bad. The editing is bad. The sound is horrific. Someone needs to tell them about ADR. The sound picked up so much from the background. We had closed caption on to understand the opening. The sound cuts out twice. We thought it was our wifi at first. Nope! The captions kept going. The script is bad. So much is badly explained. One of the scenes that lost sound had important dialogue. The direction is terrible. This movie is only 1 hour and 25 minutes long. But it feels so dragged out. Every aspect of this movie is complete garbage. What made it enjoyable was making fun of it. So if you do watch it. Watch it with your friends and make fun of this like Mystery Science Theater 3000. I would give this movie zero stars, but IMDB won’t let me.

Wear and obey

So when a character is telling you, they are all about white magic and not about hurting people, just to contradict herself a few seconds later by admitting that a certain ring actually has dark magic powers … you may have discovered that you are overthinking it.

I am not too convinced with the actors, but the story is decent enough I reckon. It would make a good story/shell for a softcore flick I reckon. But while the movie has a lot of sexual situations in it and teases a lot, there is no noteable nudity to speak of (I did not pause or zoom, you just don’t see anything in particular and right in your face is what I am saying – no pun intended).

Horror buffs will recognize Felissa Rose … not the same impact in this as she had in a Sleepaway camp back in the day … just saying. But a nice touch …
